
IPO Window Cracks Open, Scouting Potential 2nd-Half Go-Public Stories

  • With mixed second-quarter bank earnings under our belt, there is a better sense of how capital markets may unfold over the second half of the year. Messages were somewhat mixed, but there is an underlying optimism that merger and acquisition activity may pick back up as the Fed gradually reduces its policy rate over the months and quarters to come.

3 Semiconductor Stocks to Buy at a 52-Week Low in July

  • Semiconductor stocks are absolutely on fire right now. Investors are drawn to the promise of the chip sector, especially as it provides the raw computing power necessary to power the artificial intelligence revolution.
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
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Symbol Frequently Asked Questions

The price of Astera Labs, Inc. Common Stock (ALAB) is 47.135 and it was updated on 2024-07-27 07:01:05.

Currently Astera Labs, Inc. Common Stock (ALAB) is in undervalued.


Astera Labs: Powering The Future Of AI

  • Astera Labs is well-positioned to benefit from the growth of the AI industry thanks to its products that are critical for data centers. Astera Labs has relationships with key players in the data center ecosystem, which shows its reliability. Astera Labs is already a dominant player in the retimer market with an 80% market share, which I expect to increase due to the company's advanced technology.
    Sat, Jul. 13, 2024

3 Chip Stocks That Could Turn $500 Into a Fortune

  • I believe that many chip makers may very well be about to embark on a huge, multi-decade boom. While there's a great deal of focus on the large extent to which the advent of artificial intelligence is boosting chip makers' financial results, the chip space has other extremely powerful, positive catalysts that are getting much less attention.
    Thu, Jul. 11, 2024

3 Early-Stage Tech Plays That Could Create Generational Wealth

  • It's no secret that catching a stock early has the potential to promise investors massive gains over a long-term time horizon. It's always difficult to identify the IPOs with solid fundamentals that will continue to grow year-on-year.
    Thu, Jul. 04, 2024

Astera Labs: Emphasizing The Data Bottleneck Remover Role In Gen AI

  • For those looking for an alternative way to invest in Gen AI, Astera Labs trades at a much lower price to sales than Nvidia. The reason is the traction it is seeing for its connectivity products, which allows hyperscalers to derive the most performance out of the semiconductor giant's GPUs. However, there are risks mainly related to technological changes and competitors could become more aggressive.
    Mon, Jul. 01, 2024

Astera Labs Set to Strengthen Global Footprint with Expansion into India

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs set to enter India to support rapid growth as a leader in purpose-built connectivity solutions for AI and cloud infrastructure.
    Thu, Jun. 27, 2024
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Astera Labs Appoints Bethany Mayer to Board of Directors

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALAB), a global leader in semiconductor-based connectivity solutions for AI and cloud infrastructure, today announced the appointment of Bethany Mayer to its Board of Directors. Mayer brings over 30 years of experience as a visionary leader and board member at networking, cybersecurity, and semiconductor companies. “Bethany brings a wide range of technology and leadership experiences at both global corporations and tech start-ups.
  • 06/24/2024

Astera Labs, Inc. (ALAB) Stock Falls Amid Market Uptick: What Investors Need to Know

  • The latest trading day saw Astera Labs, Inc. (ALAB) settling at $64.57, representing a -0.86% change from its previous close.
  • 06/12/2024

CORRECTING and REPLACING Astera Labs Extends Interoperability Leadership Driving Seamless PCIe 6.x Deployment

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs extends Cloud-Scale Interop Lab testing to PCIe 6.x, announces new interop lab in Taiwan to facilitate close collaboration with ODMs.
  • 05/28/2024

Astera Labs 持續擴展互通性領先地位,推動無縫接軌 PCIe 6.x 部署

  • 美國加利福尼亞州聖塔克拉拉--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 為 AI 和雲端基礎結構提供半導體連線解決方案的全球領導者 Astera Labs (Nasdaq: ALAB) 今日宣布擴展其 Cloud-Scale Interop Lab 的 PCIe 6.x 測試能力,以實現 Aries 6 PCIe/CXL Smart DSP Retimers 與廣泛的 PCIe 6.x 主機和端點之間的無縫互通性。這為人工智慧平臺開發人員設計高頻寬、低延遲的 PCIe 6.x 連線鋪平了道路,減少了整體開發時間,並有助於實現大規模部署。 Astera Labs 首席商務官 Thad Omura表示:“隨著人工智慧系統的不斷快速發展,資料中心運營商需要在更短的時間內部署日益複雜的系統。我們對於標準合規性和隨插即用互通性的高度重視,是我們廣泛部署並經過現場測試的 Aries Retimer 組合能夠成為 PCIe/CXL 連線黃金標準的根本原因。擴展我們的 Cloud-Scale Interop Lab 測試套件以支援 PCIe 6.x 操作快速追蹤部署,滿足客戶整合 Aries 6(業界功耗最低的 PCIe 6.x/CXL 3.x Retimer)與我們生態系統合作夥伴解決方案的需求。” 雲規模的專用連線測試 要最大限度地利用 GPU、CPU 和人工智慧加速器,需要更高頻寬的 PCIe 6.x 技術,以滿足超大規模系統中新型人工智慧工作負載的性能需求;然而,隨著速度、複雜性和規模的增加,這也帶來了新的連線性問題。這些挑戰凸顯了進行廣泛測試的必要性,以確保以雲規模部署的人工智慧系統中各種 PCIe 6.x 元件之間的穩定互通性。 為此,Aries 6 透過嚴格的測試套件,在數千次反覆運行中進行了一系列迴圈測試,以鍛煉 PCIe 鏈路,並在複雜的 PCIe 拓撲中使用領先的root complex和 50 多個端點重建終端客戶的真實系統組態。 Cloud-Scale Interop Lab 擴展至臺灣 臺灣彙集了眾多領先的技術設計和製造公司,因此 Astera Labs 選擇在臺灣建立其在矽谷之外的首個 Cloud-Scale Interop Lab。這個新的交互操作實驗室將促進與主要 ODM 客戶的密切合作,以便在真實系統中透過多種通道插入損耗預算與各種主機和端點互聯,從而在複雜的 PCIe 拓撲結構中測試 Aries 6。 Ingrasys Technology Inc.(Foxconn Technology Group子公司)副總裁兼首席架構師 Brad Reger 表示:“可靠的互通性對於加速採用 PCIe 6.x 等新型互連協定至關重要,這些協定將成為未來人工智慧和雲端基礎結構部署的連綫骨幹。我們期待與 Astera Labs 繼續合作,並在我們的解決方案中充分利用其經過嚴格測試和現場驗證的 PCIe/CXL Retimer 的組合。” Inventec EGB 總經理 Vincent Lin 表示:“隨著 Astera Labs 增加了 PCIe 6.x 測試並將其互通性實驗室擴展到臺灣,我們很榮幸能繼續與 Astera Labs 保持深厚的合作關係。我們期待利用其在 PCIe 連線領域的專業知識,加快開發我們面向人工智慧時代的關鍵資料中心解決方案。” Quanta Computer Inc. 高級副總裁兼總經理 Mike Yang 表示:“隨著人工智慧和以資料為中心的工作負載部署不斷激增,Quanta 非常重視與 Astera Labs 的密切合作,從而幫助我們的客戶解決各種新出現的資料中心設計難題。其在臺灣新建立的 Cloud-Scale Interop Lab 進行測試的強大 Aries 6 Retimers 將加強下一代人工智慧和雲端基礎結構中可靠的 PCIe 6.x 連綫的推廣。” Wistron 企業與網路事業群總裁 William Lin 表示:“隨著市場對我們的人工智慧和 HPC 伺服器的需求不斷增長,我們轉向 Astera Labs 的黃金標準 PCIe/CXL Retimer 組合,為我們的解決方案提供強大的擴展能力,以滿足客戶部署的需求。我們已經在我們的產品中使用了多代 Aries Retimers,同時很高興能將這一合作關係繼續下去,因為它透過利用在臺灣新建立的 Cloud-Scale Interop Lab 中進行測試的 Aries 6 為高度互通性 PCIe 6.x/CXL 3.x 連綫鋪平了道路。” Wiwynn 執行副總裁 Steven Lu 表示:“Wiwynn 很高興看到 Astera Labs 透過在臺灣推出新的 Interop Lab 擴展其雲端規模測試能力。這將促進我們開展更緊密的合作,並加快為人工智慧部署無縫隨插即用 PCIe 6.x 連綫。我們期待著加強雙方的合作關係,以確保可靠的互通性,並滿足行業巨頭對未來 PCIe 6.x 系統的需求。” 資源: Aries Cloud-Scale Interop Lab [網頁] Aries PCIe/CXL Smart DSP Retimers [網頁] 我們爲何測試 [影片] 我們如何測試 [影片] 關於 Astera Labs Astera Labs 是全球領先的專用連綫解決方案提供商,可釋放人工智慧和雲端基礎結構的全部潛能。我們的 Intelligent Connectivity Platform 整合了 PCIe®、CXL® 和乙太網路半導體連線解決方案以及系統管理和優化工具的 COSMOS 軟體套件,可提供可擴展和可自訂的軟體定義架構。得益於與行業巨頭和資料中心生態系統建立的可信賴關係,我們成為了能夠提供靈活、可互通產品的創新領導者。如需瞭解我們如何對現代資料驅動型應用進行變革,請瀏覽。 © Astera Labs, Inc. Astera Labs 及其風格化標誌均為 Astera Labs, Inc. 或其關係企業的商標。其他名稱和品牌可能是其他機構的資產。
  • 05/20/2024

Astera Labs Extends Interoperability Leadership Driving Seamless PCIe 6.x Deployment

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs (Nasdaq: ALAB), a global leader in semiconductor-based connectivity solutions for AI and cloud infrastructure, today announced expanded PCIe® 6.x testing capabilities in its Cloud-Scale Interop Lab to enable seamless interoperability between Aries 6 PCIe/CXL Smart DSP Retimers and a broad range of PCIe 6.x hosts and endpoints. This paves the way for AI platform developers to design high-bandwidth, low-latency PCIe 6.x connectivity with confidence, reduce overall development time, and deploy at scale. Thad Omura, Chief Business Officer, Astera Labs, said, “As AI systems continue to advance at a rapid pace, data center operators need to deploy increasingly complex systems on an accelerated timeline. Our intense focus on standards compliance and plug-and-play interoperability is foundational to why our widely deployed, field-tested Aries Retimer portfolio sets the gold standard for PCIe/CXL® connectivity. Expanding our Cloud-Scale Interop Lab test suite to support PCIe 6.x operation fast-tracks deployment for customers integrating Aries 6 – the industry’s lowest power PCIe 6.x/CXL 3.x Retimer – with solutions from our ecosystem partners.” Purpose-Built Connectivity Testing at Cloud-Scale Higher bandwidth PCIe 6.x technology is required to maximize utilization of GPUs, CPUs, and AI accelerators to meet the performance demands of new AI workloads in hyperscale systems; however, this creates new connectivity issues with increases in speed, complexity, and scale. These challenges emphasize the need for extensive testing to ensure robust interoperability between the wide variety of PCIe 6.x components within an AI system deployed at cloud-scale. For this reason, Aries 6 is put through a rigorous test suite to exercise the PCIe link with a series of loop tests over thousands of iterations and recreate end customers’ real-world system configurations with leading root complexes and over 50 endpoints in complex PCIe topologies. Cloud-Scale Interop Lab Expands to Taiwan Astera Labs has chosen Taiwan to launch its first Cloud-Scale Interop Lab outside of Silicon Valley given the region’s rich collection of leading technology design and manufacturing companies. This new interop lab location will facilitate closer collaboration with key ODM customers to test Aries 6 in complex PCIe topologies with a broad variety of hosts and end points interconnected over varying channel insertion loss budgets in real systems. Brad Reger, VP & Principal Architect, Ingrasys Technology Inc. (a subsidiary of Foxconn Technology Group), said, “Reliable interoperability is essential to accelerating the adoption of new interconnect protocols such as PCIe 6.x, which will make up the connectivity backbone of future AI and cloud infrastructure deployments. We look forward to continued collaboration with Astera Labs and leveraging its rigorously tested, field proven PCIe/CXL Retimer portfolio in our solutions.” Vincent Lin, GM, Inventec EGB, said, “We are proud to continue our deep relationship with Astera Labs as it adds PCIe 6.x testing and expands its interoperability lab into Taiwan. We look forward to tapping into its deep PCIe connectivity expertise to accelerate development of our critical data center solutions for the AI era.” Mike Yang, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Quanta Computer Inc., said, “Quanta values its close collaboration with Astera Labs to help our customers overcome emerging data center design challenges as AI and data-centric workload deployments continue to increase exponentially. Its robust Aries 6 Retimers tested in the new Taiwan Cloud-Scale Interop Lab will strengthen the roll-out of reliable PCIe 6.x connectivity in next generation AI and cloud infrastructure.” William Lin, President of Enterprise and Networking Business Group, Wistron, said, “With growing demand for our AI and HPC servers, we turn to Astera Labs’ gold standard PCIe/CXL Retimer portfolio to deliver robust reach extension for our solutions destined to customer deployments. We have leveraged multiple generations of Aries Retimers in our products, and we are excited to continue our partnership as it paves the way for highly interoperable PCIe 6.x/CXL 3.x connectivity leveraging Aries 6 that is tested in the new Taiwan Cloud-Scale Interop Lab.” Steven Lu, Executive Vice President, Wiwynn, said, "Wiwynn is excited to see Astera Labs extend its cloud-scale testing capabilities with the launch of the new Taiwan Interop Lab. It will enable closer collaboration and accelerate the deployment of seamless plug-and-play PCIe 6.x connectivity for AI. We look forward to strengthening our partnership to ensure reliable interoperability and meet hyperscalers' needs for our future PCIe 6.x systems.” Resources: Aries Cloud-Scale Interop Lab [Webpage] Aries PCIe/CXL Smart DSP Retimers [Webpage] Why We Test [Video] How We Test [Video] About Astera Labs Astera Labs is a global leader in purpose-built connectivity solutions that unlock the full potential of AI and cloud infrastructure. Our Intelligent Connectivity Platform integrates PCIe®, CXL®, and Ethernet semiconductor-based solutions and the COSMOS software suite of system management and optimization tools to deliver a software-defined architecture that is both scalable and customizable. Inspired by trusted relationships with hyperscalers and the data center ecosystem, we are an innovation leader delivering products that are flexible and interoperable. Discover how we are transforming modern data-driven applications at © Astera Labs, Inc. Astera Labs, and its stylized logo, are trademarks of Astera Labs, Inc. or its affiliates. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
  • 05/20/2024

Astera Labs to Participate in J.P. Morgan 52nd Annual Global Technology, Media, and Communications Conference

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs to Participate in J.P. Morgan 52nd Annual Global Technology, Media, and Communications Conference.
  • 05/14/2024

Nvidia Stock Will Lift These Other AI Chip Makers, Says Analyst

  • Jefferies analysts are upbeat on the artificial-intelligence outlook for Astera Labs, Marvell, Broadcom, and AMD, along with top pick Nvidia.
  • 05/13/2024

3 New Stocks That Could Soon Join the Trillion-Dollar Club

  • New stocks have IPOs that experience huge price swings in their first months as the market determines their true worth. This volatility presents both risks and rewards for investors.
  • 05/12/2024

AI Chip Stocks Hit Wall Of Inflated Expectations

  • Some semiconductor stocks tied to the artificial intelligence boom fell this week after missing sky-high whisper numbers.
  • 05/10/2024

Astera Labs, Inc. (ALAB) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

  • Astera Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALAB ) Q1 2024 Results Conference Call May 7, 2024 4:30 PM ET Company Participants Leslie Green - IR Jitendra Mohan - Chief Executive Officer Sanjay Gajendra - President and COO Mike Tate - CFO Conference Call Participants Harlan Sur - JPMorgan Joe Moore - Morgan Stanley Tore Svanberg - Stifel Blayne Curtis - Jefferies Thomas O'Malley - Barclays Quinn Bolton - Needham Ross Seymore - Deutsche Bank Suji Desilva - ROTH MKM Richard Shannon - Craig-Hallum Operator Thank you for standing by. My name is Regina, and I will be your conference operator today.
  • 05/08/2024

Astera Labs Stock Drops As High Growth Expectations Outweigh Blowout Quarterly Report

  • Shares in Astera Labs (ALAB) dropped nearly 7% in premarket trading Wednesday morning even though the maker of artificial intelligence (AI) chip connectivity products surpassed Wall Street's quarterly estimates and issued an upbeat outlook.
  • 05/08/2024

Palantir, Arista Networks, Microsoft, Astera Labs, and Other Tech Stocks in Focus Today

  • The technology sector is losing momentum as earnings continue to paint a mixed picture, clouded by lofty expectations for AI-exposed shares.
  • 05/08/2024

Astera Labs' blowout first earnings report is met with a sagging stock reaction

  • Despite upbeat results for newly public semiconductor company Astera Labs Inc., its shares were sliding in Tuesday's after-hours action.
  • 05/07/2024

Astera Labs Announces Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs (Nasdaq: ALAB), a global leader in semiconductor-based connectivity solutions for cloud and AI infrastructure, today announced preliminary financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2024, ended March 31, 2024. “Astera Labs started the year strong, achieving record revenue in the first quarter, driven by the accelerating deployment of AI infrastructure,” said Jitendra Mohan, Astera Labs' Chief Executive Officer. “As hyperscalers embark on.
  • 05/07/2024

Astera Labs (ALAB) to Report Q1 Earnings: What's in Store?

  • Astera Labs (ALAB) first-quarter 2024 revenues are expected to reflect strong demand for AI-enabled servers and data center infrastructure.
  • 05/03/2024

Morgan Stanley banker sees 10 to 15 more tech IPOs in 2024, and a 'better year' in 2025

  • Morgan Stanley, which led the Reddit and Astera Labs IPOs, expects 10 to 15 more tech offerings this year and a "better year" in 2025.
  • 04/29/2024

3 Semiconductor Stocks That Could Be Multibaggers in the Making: April Edition

  • Semiconductors remain a red hot field of technology. Market analyst Charlie Bilello pointed out in a recent blog post that the iShares Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ: SOXX ) has outperformed every other industry group over the last decade, rising 10x.
  • 04/25/2024

Chip Champs: 3 AI Hardware Picks to Supercharge Your Investment Portfolio

  • Longtime chip analyst Stacy Rasgon recently told Investor's Business Daily that the development of AI infrastructure would still be occurring five or ten years from now. Moreover, Rasgon stated that Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA ) is still benefiting from strong demand for its products, and he thinks that those who believe that the company will experience any sort of downturn soon are mistaken.
  • 04/23/2024

Silicon Valley's Next Unicorns: 3 Tech Disruptors to Buy on Weakness

  • In his book “100 Baggers,” investors Christopher Mayer describes rare stocks that return $100 to shareholders for every $1 of capital invested. These type of multi-bagger stocks, or heavy compounders, are often referred to as “unicorns” on Wall Street because they are so rare.
  • 04/20/2024

Astera Labs Stock Rises as Analysts Say Buy the Stock. It's a ‘Unique Investment.

  • Needham analyst Quinn Bolton and Deutsche Bank analyst Ross Seymore initiate coverage of Astera Labs with a Buy rating.
  • 04/15/2024

Recent IPO Astera Labs Gets Bullish Analyst Coverage

  • Recent IPO Astera Labs nabbed a bunch of buy ratings on Monday as Wall Street analysts initiated coverage of the chipmaker.
  • 04/15/2024

Why Astera Labs' stock strikes bulls as a unique buy despite lofty valuation

  • The first big batch of analysts weighed in on Astera Labs Inc. shares before Monday's open, and the verdict was unanimously bullish.
  • 04/15/2024

Astera Labs Announces Conference Call to Review First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

  • SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Astera Labs Announces Conference Call to Review First Quarter 2024 Financial Results on May 7, 2024.
  • 04/11/2024

Astera Labs Reaches For The Stars With AI Networking Chips

  • Chipmaker Astera Labs struck while the iron was hot with its initial public offering, capitalizing on investor enthusiasm for AI stocks.
  • 04/05/2024

What Is Going on With IPOs Right Now?

  • In today's episode of the 24/7 Wall St.
  • 04/04/2024

UL Solutions launches IPO with plans for valuation of up to $5.8 billion

  • UL Solutions Inc., a testing, inspection and certification company, launched its initial public offering on Tuesday with plans to issue 28 million shares priced at $26 to $29 each.
  • 04/02/2024

Why Astera Labs Stock Jumped This Week

  • Astera Labs had its initial public offering last week and has gotten off to a strong start on the market. The stock climbed higher this week thanks to bullish coverage published by Northland.
  • 03/30/2024

Cramer on Astera Labs: It's clearly positioning itself as a new way to play AI theme

  • 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer does a deep dive into Astera Labs after the company recently went public and shares his outlook for the IPO.
  • 03/25/2024

Time for IPO ETFs?

  • As the IPO market shows signs of improvement, investors can play IPO ETFs. The successes of Reddit and others may pave the way for a successful IPO market in the near term.
  • 03/25/2024

Markets Await PCE/Core-PCE Inflation Data

  • March is turning out to be an eventful one for Wall Street. U.S. stock markets suffered fluctuations in the first half of this month owing to market participants' concerns about the timing of the first reduction in the Fed fund rate, following resilient labor market data and sticky inflation rate in February.
  • 03/25/2024

Key Data in Focus to Start the Last Week of an Eventful March

  • March is turning out to be an eventful one for Wall Street. This week, investors are waiting for a series of key economic data.
  • 03/25/2024

3 Stocks That Could Turn Your Portfolio Into a Cash Cow

  • There are several catalysts driving the stock market to record highs right now. These include expectations for lower interest rates, a resilient economy, strong corporate earnings, and a bull run in commodity prices with gold at an all-time high.
  • 03/24/2024

Big week for tech IPOs Reddit, Astera boosts Morgan Stanley after extended lull

  • Morgan Stanley captured the coveted lead left spot on IPOs for Reddit and Astera Labs this week.
  • 03/23/2024

U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: Tech IPOs Pop As End Of March Approaches

  • U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: Tech IPOs Pop As End Of March Approaches
  • 03/23/2024

Astera Labs stock: After stellar IPO, ALAB rides AI wave

  • Astera Labs, a semiconductor connectivity solutions provider, made a stellar entrance into the stock market with a 72% surge in its share price on its first day of trading. Astera Labs IPO scores big The IPO of Astera Labs was met with robust demand, resulting in the successful raising of $700 million.
  • 03/21/2024

IPO Market Pins Hopes on Astera Labs and Reddit Debuts

  • Brianne Lynch, Head of Market Insight at EquityZen, explains why the early public-market performance of companies like Astera Labs and Reddit will be a key indicator of the broader appetite for new initial public offerings over the next year. Brianne speaks with Paul Sweeney and Bailey Lipschultz on Bloomberg Radio.
  • 03/21/2024

ALAB Stock: Astera Labs Pops a Stunning 70% After IPO

  • The artificial intelligence (AI) hype train kept rolling as the IPO of Astera Labs (NASDAQ: ALAB ) popped over 70% after its opening on March 20. Astera offers what it calls connectivity chips for cloud and AI infrastructure.
  • 03/21/2024

Amazon benefits from stellar Astera Labs debut

  • Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN, ETR:AMZ) is positioned to benefit from a stellar stock market debut by Astera Labs, the AI-linked tech firm, on Wednesday. The seller of data centre connectivity chips for AI and cloud firms, Astera Labs soared 72% on its first day of trading, closing at US$62.03 per share with a market capitalisation of US$9.5 billion.
  • 03/21/2024

Astera Labs Stock Soars On First Trading Day: Is It A Buy?

  • Astera Labs, a new IPO, saw its shares soar on its first trading day, driven by the ongoing AI hype. The company, which sells semiconductor connectivity solutions to major data center companies, raised $700 million in its IPO. While Astera Labs operates in an attractive growth market, its high valuation, lack of profitability, and competition from larger players make ALAB less attractive compared to companies like Nvidia.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs (ALAB): A New A.I. Chip Play?

  • Astera Labs stock soared as it started trading today. ALAB opened 46% above IPO at $52.56 per share.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs CEO on Nasdaq Listing Day

  • Astera Labs CEO Jitendra Mohan joins Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow on the company's Nasdaq listing day to discuss demand for their AI and cloud infrastructure connectivity solutions. He speaks on "Bloomberg Technology.
  • 03/20/2024

Amazon gets boost from 72% pop in AI company Astera Labs' IPO

  • Amazon is poised to benefit from the Astera Labs IPO after signing agreements that allow it to buy about 2.3 million shares.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs' IPO pops 54%, showing that investor demand for tech with an AI-twist is high

  • Astera Labs started its life as a public company trading at $52.56 per share, up 46% when the bell rang. The company priced its IPO last night at $36 per share, above its raised price range.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs' stock soars, as investors cheer the debut of a new AI chip play

  • Astera Labs got a warm reception in its Wall Street debut, giving investors yet another hot chip play to consider.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs goes public, and the Inflection-Microsoft AI saga continues

  • Hello, and welcome back to Equity, the podcast about the business of startups, where we unpack the numbers and nuance behind the headlines. This is our Wednesday show, focused on startup and venture capital news that matters.
  • 03/20/2024

ALAB Stock IPO: 7 Things to Know as Astera Labs Starts Trading Today

  • The shares of Astera Labs (NASDAQ: ALAB ), which is being viewed by some as an artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure play, start trading today on the Nasdaq exchange.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs Prices IPO. It's an AI Infrastructure Play at a Hefty Valuation.

  • Astera Labs has priced its initial public offering, indicating a valuation of around $5.5 billion. The company operates in the hot area of artificial-intelligence infrastructure but the price tag still looks expensive.
  • 03/20/2024

Astera Labs seeks to raise around $713 mln in IPO at $5.5 bln valuation

  • Chip firm Astera Labs on Tuesday set the pricing of its initial public offering (IPO) of 19.8 million shares at $36 apiece, aiming to raise around $712.8 million.
  • 03/19/2024

Astera Labs prices IPO at $36 a share, well above target range

  • Wall Street is about to get a new way to play the intersection between chips and artificial intelligence.
  • 03/19/2024

ALAB Stock IPO: Astera Labs Is Heating Up Ahead of March 20 Debut

  • Astera Labs stock is a hot topic on Tuesday as investors prepare for ALAB shares to start trading on March 20. Astera Labs is preparing for its initial public offering ( IPO ) tomorrow with an upsized plan.
  • 03/19/2024

Astera Labs And Reddit Set To Debut As IPO Activity Remains Low For 2024

  • Astera Labs And Reddit Set To Debut As IPO Activity Remains Low For 2024
  • 03/19/2024

Astera Labs and Reddit Set to Debut as IPO Activity Remains Low for 2024

  • The following research was contributed to by Christine Short, VP of Research at Wall Street Horizon. Last week we wrote about how M&A activity has been light​ so far for 2024, well the same holds for IPO activity.
  • 03/18/2024

Astera Labs seeking $5.18bn valuation in IPO

  • Astera Labs has announced a higher valuation of US$5.18 billion is being sought through its upcoming initial public offering (IPO). Connectivity chip provider Astera said on Monday that it was now aiming to raise up to US$673.2 million through the IPO, after a previous announcement this month said US$534 million was being sought from the sale of 17.8 million shares, which would have valued the company at US$4.5 billion.
  • 03/18/2024

Astera Labs taps AI enthusiasm as it boosts price range and number of shares in IPO

  • Astera Labs Inc. on Monday increased the price range and size of its initial public offering as the provider of connectivity chips and cloud-infrastructure-management software taps into investor enthusiasm around artificial intelligence.
  • 03/18/2024

Astera Labs seeks to raise $673.2 million in upsized US IPO

  • Chip firm Astera Labs said on Monday it was aiming to raise up to $673.2 million in an initial public offering in the United States.
  • 03/18/2024

ALAB Stock IPO: When Does Astera Labs Go Public? What Is the Astera Labs IPO Price Range?

  • Astera Labs, a semiconductor-based connectivity company with artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud applications, will soon become a publicly traded company under the ticker ALAB. Last week, Astera revealed key details about its initial public offering (IPO).
  • 03/11/2024

U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: Astera Labs Joins The IPO Calendar As More Small Issuers List

  • U.S. IPO Weekly Recap: Astera Labs Joins The IPO Calendar As More Small Issuers List
  • 03/09/2024

Astera Labs eyes up to $4.5 bln valuation in US IPO

  • Astera Labs said on Friday it was eyeing a valuation of up to $4.51 billion in its U.S. initial public offering, as the chip firm looks to list amid a wave of enthusiasm for artificial intelligence.
  • 03/08/2024
ALAB Ratings Summary
ALAB Quant Ranking