Why You Need an Investment Portfolio Performance Report

Author: Shubhankar Sen on Jul 28,2022
SP Investment Portfolio Performance Report


Keeping tabs on your investments is important. Knowing how much you have and where it’s invested can help you keep track of your assets, as well as determine if you’re meeting your financial goals. An investing portfolio performance report helps you see exactly how well your investments are doing. It details the value of each investment and its rise or fall over time. Having this information at your fingertips makes monitoring and adjusting your portfolio easier. Investing isn’t just about putting money somewhere and forgetting about it for a few years. As an investor, you need to know what’s going on with all of your accounts – even if they are in different places, like a 401K or brokerage firm – and make sure they’re being invested properly. 


If you have debt, make sure you have a plan to repay it quickly. If you have an emergency fund, make sure you have enough money to last you a few months if something happens, and you can’t work. It’s always a good idea to have a little bit of money set aside for fun. Now that you have your financial goals in sight make sure you have a plan to reach them. You don’t have to have every detail set in stone, but have a general outline of how you’re going to get there. That way, you can strategically move money around when necessary, reinvest after selling shares, and take other actions based on what you read in your investment portfolio performance report.


What to Track in Your Portfolio Performance Report

The following information can help you gauge how your investments are doing.

  • Stock prices and value: This is a quick way to see how your investments are faring. If stock prices are up, you know you’re doing well. Likewise, if they are down, you can expect your portfolio performance report to reflect that.


You can also use stock value to determine your overall financial health. If you have a significant amount of your portfolio invested in company stock and the price is declining, you may want to re-evaluate your investments. If you have significant stock holdings, you may want to consider selling some of that stock or purchasing put options to protect your wealth in the event that the company’s stock price continues to decline.


  • Income: You can earn money from your portfolio, but only if you invest in stocks. You can earn dividends or interest from bonds or any other type of investment. You can also earn income from real estate investments if you own rental properties. The amount you earn from these investments can help make up for any losses you might incur. 


You can also earn passive income from your investments. This means that you won’t have to actively work to receive the money you make with your investments. For example, let’s say that you buy a mutual fund that focuses on stocks. The fund will fluctuate based on the performance of the stocks it holds. But the most important thing is that you don’t have to sell the fund to receive the profits it makes. After a certain amount of time, the fund will distribute the profits to its investors.


  • Capital gains: When you sell shares in one of your investments for more than you paid for them, you have a capital gain. This is good news for your portfolio since it means you are earning more money than you would otherwise. Your portfolio performance report will note how much you have gained on each investment.


Unfortunately, capital gains are taxable, just like your regular income. In order to reduce your tax liability, you can choose to sell your investments for less than their original value. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gives preferential treatment to certain investments, and you can take advantage of these to reduce your taxes. Passive investments, like real estate, collectibles, and certain collectible artwork, are subject to a different set of rules than mutual funds and other active investments. The IRS provides a few rules to help you keep your taxes in check when investing.


How to Read an Investing Portfolio Performance Report

The quick rule of thumb when reading your portfolio performance report is to look at the last column. This is the return that you actually got on your money. If you have a balanced portfolio with all types of assets (stocks, bonds, real estate, and others) and rebalance every year, you will get approximately the same return each year. When you look at the last column, you want to make sure that you are happy with it. If your return is significantly higher or lower than the expected return, then you know that something is wrong, and you need to investigate. If it’s going up, you’re doing well. If it’s going down, you’re losing money.


Most of the time, you will see numbers. Those numbers can tell you a lot about your portfolio performance report. If the numbers are going up, you are making money. If the numbers are going down, you are losing money. If you have a stock that is going down and you don’t know why you can pull up its annual report. There, you can see its financials and what analysts are saying. That can help you better understand why it’s going down so you can decide if you want to sell it.


4 Reasons You Need an Investing Portfolio Performance Report

Knowing how much you have: Your portfolio performance report will show you exactly how much you have in each of your investments. You can use that information to track your growth and manage your assets.

Seeing how well your investments are doing: You can see how well your investments are doing based on their value and capital gains. That way, you can make better decisions regarding your money. You can decide whether to sellvcxxx

Knowing what your risk tolerance is: Your portfolio performance report will show you how much risk you are taking on. That way, you can decide if you want to take on more or less risk.

Meeting your financial goals: Your financial goals will likely include when you want to retire, how much you want to have saved for retirement, and more. Your portfolio performance report can help you track your progress with those goals, as well as give you information about your risk tolerance.


3 Tips to Help You Read Your Investing Portfolio Performance Report

Track it consistently: You’re likely not going to look at your portfolio performance report every day. But you should track it consistently. This means looking at it weekly, biweekly, or monthly and keeping track of it in a notebook or spreadsheet. The more consistent you are with tracking it, the better you can adjust your portfolio performance report as necessary.

Make adjustments: If you’re tracking your portfolio performance report and it’s not going the way you want it to, don’t panic. You can make adjustments to help it go the way you want. You can make adjustments by selling shares, adding more money to your investment accounts, or changing how your money is being invested.

Be patient: Investing is a long-term game. While it’s important to track your portfolio performance report and make adjustments as necessary, it’s also important not to panic. Sometimes it takes a while for investments to pay off, but they will.


Limitations of an investment portfolio performance report

You might not get timely updates: Your investing portfolio performance report might be too old to be useful. Some companies take a long time to report their financials. Others might not report them at all. If you have an investment that you need to make a decision on, an old report might not mean much.

Not all investments show up in a portfolio performance report: Not all investments will show up in your portfolio performance report. For example, you might have a retirement account or real estate that you’re not able to sell or trade easily. You won’t be able to track its performance in the same way as your stocks.



As an investor, you need to know how your money is performing. Your investing portfolio performance report can tell you that. It can also show you how much you have, what your risk tolerance is, and what your financial goals are. As important as it is, many people don’t keep track of their investments. It can be easy to lose track of what you have and where it’s all invested. Having an investing portfolio performance report can help you stay organized and make better financial decisions. Visit Stockprices.com for more information and resources to about investing and financial security.