Update on covid-19 impacts to willdan group

Update on covid-19 impacts to willdan.willdan group inc - reduction in workforce, primarily through an unpaid furlough, impacting approximately 300 willdan staff.willdan group inc - co's direct install programs have been more severely impacted.willdan group inc - freeze on all non-critical spending for travel, capital expenditures, and other discretionary expenses.willdan group inc - temporary cash wage reduction for salaried employees, ranging from 0% for lower salary bands up to 75% for senior management.willdan group inc - suspension of cash fees for company's board of directors, until such time as board determines.willdan group inc - significant portion of direct install work has been suspended until work restrictions are lifted.willdan group inc - financial position remains strong.willdan group - as of april 14, 2020, willdan had $16 million of net cash balance & $56 million in borrowing capacity available on company's credit facilities.willdan group - suspension of cash fees for co's board, until such time as board determines.willdan group inc - is withdrawing its fiscal 2020 financial targets.willdan group inc - temporary cash wage reduction for salaried employees, ranging from 0% for lower salary bands up to 75% for senior management.
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