Uranium energy corp advances development of burke hollow and palangana isr projects in south texas
Nyse american: uec highlights: the burke hollow in-situ recovery ("isr") project's production area-2 ("pa-2") has been established within the northern half of the project; burke hollow pa-2 hosts three major sub-roll units of uranium mineralization, ranging from 160 to 210 feet in depth and occurs within the goliad formation lower a sand, ranging in thickness from 20 feet to over 50 feet, and; to date, 533 exploration and delineation holes totaling 232,655 feet have been drilled within burke hollow pa-2 area. the in-progress delineation drilling campaign is continuing with five contract drilling rigs; an sk-1300 technical report summary for burke hollow will be updated before the end of 2023 to reflect the drilling results; external and internal monitor well installation is to commence after completing all delineation drilling; at the past producing palangana isr project, a total of 30 development and delineation holes were recently completed within the fully permitted production area 4 ("pa-4").
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