Biognosys enters reselling agreement for spectronaut proteomics software with leading provider of mass spectrometry systems

Biognosys' spectronaut®, the leading vendor-agnostic software for dia proteomics, is now directly available from thermo fisher scientific under a reselling agreement end users can get access to thermo scientific mass spectrometry systems and biognosys' spectronaut software via a single offer issued by thermo fisher thermo fisher will directly quote and sell biognosys' spectronaut software from its product catalog zurich and newton, mass., sept. 18, 2024 (globe newswire) -- biognosys, a leading inventor and provider of software solutions for mass spectrometry-based proteomics data analysis, today announced the rollout of a value-added reselling agreement for biognosys' spectronaut® software with thermo fisher scientific.
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