Shell to deliver more value with less emissions

Shell to deliver more value with less emissions enhanced focus on performance, discipline and simplification shareholder distributions increased to 30-40% of cash flow from operations (cffo) through the cycle 15% increase in dividend per share effective q2 2023* share buybacks of at least $5 billion for the second half of 2023*  capital spending reduced to $22-25 billion per year for 2024 and 2025 annual operating cost structurally reduced by $2-3 billion by end 2025 reiterated commitment to climate targets, including net-zero emissions by 2050 *subject to board approval at the time new york, ny, june 14, 2023 – shell plc (lon/nyse: shel) will today update investors on its strategy to create more value with less emissions, and deliver increased shareholder returns through a balanced energy transition. “we are investing to provide the secure energy customers need today and for a long time to come, while transforming shell to win in a low-carbon future.
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