Saudi arabian oil company and shell & amg recycling b.v. sign agreement to explore the feasibility of building a recycling “supercenter” in the kingdom of saudi arabia

Amsterdam, 30 november 2020 (regulated information) --- the saudi arabian oil company (saudi aramco), shell & amg recycling b.v. signed a memorandum of understanding (mou) to evaluate the feasibility of creating a venture in support of saudi arabia's (“the kingdom”) vision to maximize value from its vast natural resources.  the kingdom is becoming a globally important region for the supply and demand of vanadium, and desires to enable the development of a world class vanadium recycling industry. in support of this initiative, shell & amg recycling b.v., along with shell catalysts & technologies, will explore the feasibility of building a catalyst manufacturing and recycling “supercenter” in the kingdom. 
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