Prosafe se: safe eurus contract award from petrobras

Prosafe has been awarded a contract by petrÓleo brasileiro sa (‘petrobras') for the provision of the safe eurus semi-submersible vessel for safety and maintenance support offshore brazil. similar to the recently announced safe notos contract award, the award has a firm period commitment of four (4) years and the commencement is end-march 2023 following on from the expiry of her current contract that commenced in october 2019. the total value of the contract is approximately usd 126 million. the safe eurus is a technologically advanced and efficient dynamically positioned (dp3) semi-submersible safety and maintenance support vessel, capable of operating in harsh environments. the safe eurus can accommodate up to 500 persons, has extensive recreation facilities and a large capacity open deck area and telescopic gangway. when operating the vessel, prosafe will have strong  focus on reducing emissions through innovative energy performance monitoring and associated fuel consumption reduction. jesper kragh andresen, ceo of prosafe says: “this award from petrobras for the safe eurus comes in close succession to that recently announced for the safe notos. ensuring high vessel utilisation for prosafe in brazil creates a robust platform to expand the regional fleet when opportunities materialise through the global agreement reached with cosco shipping for the safe nova and safe vega.” prosafe is a leading owner and operator of semi-submersible accommodation vessels. the company is listed on the oslo stock exchange with ticker code prs. for more information, please refer to stavanger, 25 may 2022 prosafe se for further information, please contact: jesper k. andresen, ceo phone: +47 51 65 24 30 / +47 907 65 155 robin laird, director of investor and lender relations phone: +65 81 27 21 01 this information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 the norwegian securities trading act
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