Omnicom media group, national minority suppliers development council partner to advance certification for diverse content creators
New york, oct. 19, 2021 /prnewswire/ -- omnicom media group (omg) the media services division of omnicom group inc. (nyse:omc) and the national minority suppliers development council (nmsdc), america's most influential and successful minority business development organization, are entering into a first-of-its-kind partnership to help content creators of diverse backgrounds earn the nmsdc's minority business enterprise (mbe) certification – a designation that that will help level the playing field for diverse creators by elevating them in the media selection process. "our goal in partnering with the nmsdc - the gold standard for minority-owned certification - is to build the industry's only database of certified creators, enabling a new media channel for diverse investment," says omg north america ceo scott hagedorn, who notes that this is the latest example of omg collaborating with a d&i partner to create an investment environment that is both favorable for diverse media owners, and aligned to marketers performance needs.
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