Nokia threat intelligence report finds malicious iot botnet activity has sharply increased

Press release  nokia threat intelligence report finds malicious iot botnet activity has sharply increased number of iot devices (bots) engaged in botnet-driven ddos attacks rose from around 200,000 a year ago to approximately 1 million devices 7 june 2023 espoo, finland – the latest nokia threat intelligence report released today has found that iot botnet ddos (distributed denial of service) traffic, originating from a large number of insecure iot devices with the aim of disrupting telecom network services for millions of users, increased fivefold over the past year, following russia's invasion of ukraine and stemming from the growing increase in profit-driven hacking collectives operated by cybercriminals. this sharp increase, also supplemented by the increased use of iot devices by consumers around the world, was first noticed at the beginning of the russia-ukraine conflict but has since spread to other parts of the world, with botnet-driven ddos attacks being used to disrupt telecom networks as well as other critical infrastructure and services.
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