Nokia and elisa deploy europe's first commercial 5g cloud ran deployment with red hat openshift

Press release nokia and elisa deploy europe's first commercial 5g cloud ran deployment with red hat openshift nokia's cloud ran solution ready for commercial deployment following a successful deployment with elisa in espoo, finland powered by red hat openshift        cloud ran supports elisa's efforts to provide more agile network services to its customers, by transforming network usage closer to the network edge nokia's anyran approach offers customers more flexibility, openness, security, and choice in their selection of cloud infrastructure piloting cloud-native models offers elisa valuable insight moving toward the 6g era 12th december 2024espoo, finland – nokia today announced that it has successfully completed a commercial cloud ran deployment with the finnish telco and digital service provider, elisa in espoo, finland. this means that elisa is now able to deploy nokia's commercial cloud ran solution, which can co-exist with purpose-built networks in hybrid environments and evolve into full cloud-native networks, supporting the rising demand for ran cloudification.
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