National fuel reports preliminary voting results from the annual meeting of stockholders

Williamsville, n.y., march 11, 2024 (globe newswire) -- national fuel gas company (nyse: nfg) (the “company”) announced today the preliminary results of the stockholder vote on four management proposals as presented during the annual meeting of stockholders, which was held march 8, 2024. all were approved, including the election of david h. anderson, david p. bauer, barbara m. bauman, david c. carroll, steven c. finch, joseph n. jaggers, rebecca ranich, jeffrey w. shaw, thomas e. skains, david f. smith and ronald j. tanski as directors for one-year terms expiring in 2025; the advisory vote on named executive officer compensation; the amended and restated equity compensation plan; and the ratification of the appointment of pricewaterhousecoopers llp as the company's independent registered public accounting firm.
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