Medtronic pledges $1 million to relief efforts in japan

Minneapolis--(business wire)--medtronic, inc. (nyse: mdt) announced today that it is pledging a total of $1 million (u.s.) in direct grants, employee matching grants and product donations to support near- and long-term relief efforts in japan following the march 11 earthquake and resulting tsunami. direct grants will be made to organizations currently aiding in relief and recovery efforts. the medtronic foundation will continue to assess the needs of the people of japan to determine where funding will be allocated. "our thoughts are with the people of japan during this extremely difficult time," said bill hawkins, chairman and ceo of medtronic. "consistent with our mission, we are committed to helping people in need." about medtronic medtronic, inc. (, headquartered in minneapolis, is the global leader in medical technology – alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for millions of people around the world. about the medtronic foundation the medtronic foundation is committed to improving the lives of people around the world living with chronic disease. its grant making is focused in three areas: health, education and community.
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