Heritage-crystal clean, inc. announces record second quarter 2022 financial results

Elgin, ill.--(business wire)--heritage-crystal clean, inc. (nasdaq: hcci), a leading provider of parts cleaning, used oil re-refining, and hazardous and non-hazardous waste services primarily focused on small and mid-sized customers, today announced results for the second quarter which ended june 18, 2022. second quarter review revenue for the second quarter of 2022 was $156.6 million compared to $117.3 million for the same quarter of 2021, an increase of 33.6%. overall operating margin increased by $12.2 million and increased slightly on a percentage of revenue basis to 29.7%, driven primarily by strong results in the oil business segment, compared to 29.3% during the second quarter of 2021. our second quarter corporate sg&a expense was $16.5 million, or 10.5% of revenue, compared to $14.1 million, or 12.0% of revenue, for the second quarter of 2021. net income for the second quarter was $21.1 million compared to net income of $15.1 million in the year-ago quarter. basic earnings per share were $0.90 compared $0.65 in the year-ago quarter. segments our environmental services segment includes parts cleaning, containerized waste, wastewater vacuum, antifreeze recycling, and field services. environmental services revenue was $91.9 million during the quarter compared to $72.7 million during the second quarter of fiscal 2021. the 26.4% increase in revenue was mainly due to the increase in demand for our services compared to the prior year quarter and, to a lesser extent, by revenue from acquisitions made during the second half of 2021. we experienced revenue increases across all service lines in the segment when compared to the second quarter of 2021 and these increases were driven by improvement in both price and volume. environmental services profit before corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses was $19.8 million, or 21.5% of revenue, compared to $19.2 million, or 26.4% of revenue, in the year-ago quarter. the decrease in operating margin percentage was mainly driven by higher disposal and transportation costs caused by extraordinarily high inflation. president and ceo brian recatto commented, "while our operating margin was down compared to last year, we are very pleased that we were able to improve our operating margin percentage by almost five percentage points compared to the first quarter. this was primarily the result of price actions taken during the latter portion of the second quarter. we look to improve our operating margin percentage further in the coming quarters as we continue to battle high inflation in various parts of our business." our oil business segment includes used oil collection and re-refining activities, as well as sales of recycled fuel oil. during the second quarter of fiscal 2022, oil business revenue was a record high for a 12-week quarter at $64.8 million, an increase of $20.2 million, or 45.3%, compared to $44.6 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2021. an increase in base oil prices was the main driver of the increase in revenue. oil business segment operating margin increased to 41.4% in the second quarter of 2022 compared to 34.2% in the second quarter of fiscal 2021. the higher operating margin compared to the second quarter of 2021 was mainly due to an increase in the spread between the netback (sales price net of freight impact) on our base oil sales and the price paid/charged to our customers for the removal of their used oil. recatto commented, "structural changes in the used oil re-refining business, along with refining industry capacity limitations, provided the foundation for our team to deliver excellent results during the second quarter. we couldn't be more excited about the performance of our oil business team who produced a record fifth straight quarter of operating margin above 33.0%." safe harbor statement all references to the “company,” “we,” “our,” and “us” refer to heritage-crystal clean, inc., and its subsidiaries. this release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current management expectations. generally, the words "aim," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "should," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," "would" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. these forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause our actual results, performance or achievements or industry results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. these risks, uncertainties and other important factors include, among others: developments in the covid-19 pandemic and the resulting impact on our business and operations, general economic conditions and downturns in the business cycles of automotive repair shops, industrial manufacturing businesses and small businesses in general; increased solvent, fuel and energy costs and volatility, including a drop in the price of crude oil, the selling price of lubricating base oil, solvent, fuel, energy, and commodity costs; the impact of inflationary pressures on our business; our ability to enforce our rights under the fcc environmental purchase agreement; our ability to pay our debt when due and comply with our debt covenants; our ability to successfully operate our used oil re-refinery and to cost-effectively collect or purchase used oil or generate operating results; increased market supply or decreased demand for base oil; further consolidation and/or declines in the united states automotive repair and manufacturing industries; the impact of extensive environmental, health and safety and employment laws and regulations on our business; legislative or regulatory requirements or changes adversely affecting our business; competition in the industrial and hazardous waste services industries and from other used oil re-refineries; claims and involuntary shutdowns relating to our handling of hazardous substances; the value of our used solvents and oil inventory, which may fluctuate significantly; our ability to expand our non-hazardous programs for parts cleaning; our dependency on key employees; our level of indebtedness, which could affect our ability to fulfill our obligations, impede the implementation of our strategy, and expose us to interest rate risk; the impact of legal proceedings and class action litigation on us and our ability to estimate the cash payments we will make under litigation settlements; our ability to effectively manage our network of branch locations; the control of the heritage group over the company; and the risks identified in the company's annual report on form 10-k filed with the sec on march 2, 2022. given these uncertainties, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. we assume no obligation to update or revise them or provide reasons why actual results may differ. the information in this release should be read in light of such risks and in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this release. about heritage-crystal clean, inc. heritage-crystal clean, inc. provides parts cleaning, used oil re-refining, and hazardous and non-hazardous waste services primarily to small and mid-sized manufacturers and other industrial businesses as well as customers in the vehicle maintenance sector. our service programs include parts cleaning, containerized waste management, used oil collection and re-refining, wastewater vacuum, waste antifreeze collection, recycling and product sales, and field services. these services help our customers manage their used chemicals and liquid and solid wastes, while also helping to minimize their regulatory burdens. our customers include small-to-medium sized manufacturers, such as metal product fabricators and printers, and other industrial businesses as well as businesses involved in vehicle maintenance operations, such as car dealerships, automotive repair shops, and trucking firms. through our used oil re-refining program during fiscal 2021, we recycled approximately 66 million gallons of used oil into high quality lubricating base oil, and we are a supplier to firms that produce and market finished lubricants. through our antifreeze program during fiscal 2021 we recycled approximately 3.9 million gallons of spent antifreeze which was used to produce a full line of virgin-quality antifreeze products. through our parts cleaning program during fiscal 2021 we recycled 2 million gallons of used solvent into virgin-quality solvent to be used again by our customers. in addition, we sold 0.5 million gallons of used solvent into the reuse market. through our containerized waste program during fiscal 2021 we collected 21 thousand tons of regulated waste which was sent for energy recovery. through our wastewater vacuum services program during fiscal 2021 we treated approximately 49 million gallons of wastewater. heritage-crystal clean, inc. is headquartered in elgin, illinois, and operates through 91 branches serving approximately 103,000 customer locations. conference call the company will host a conference call on thursday july 28, 2022 at 9:30 am central time, during which management will give a brief presentation focusing on the company's operations and financial results. interested parties can listen to the audio webcast available through our company website, https://crystal-clean.com/investor-relations/, and can participate on the call by dialing (888) 440-4149. after dialing the number, you will be required to provide the following passcode before being joined to the conference call: 8889427. the company uses its website to make information available to investors and the public at www.crystal-clean.com. heritage-crystal clean, inc. condensed consolidated balance sheets (in thousands, except share and par value amounts) (unaudited) june 18, 2022 january 1, 2022 assets current assets: cash and cash equivalents $ 73,760 $ 56,269 accounts receivable - net 80,266 62,513 inventory - net 36,221 29,536 assets held for sale 1,125 1,125 other current assets 4,427 6,773 total current assets 195,799 156,216 property, plant and equipment - net 171,169 166,301 right of use assets 89,541 83,865 equipment at customers - net 25,107 24,146 software and intangible assets - net 44,610 45,949 goodwill 49,695 49,695 investments at fair value 3,000 — other assets 616 692 total assets $ 579,537 $ 526,864 liabilities and stockholders' equity current liabilities: accounts payable $ 45,043 $ 36,179 current portion of lease liabilities 22,576 20,146 contract liabilities - net 2,646 2,094 accrued salaries, wages, and benefits 7,669 8,980 taxes payable 8,503 8,474 other current liabilities 11,177 9,476 total current liabilities 97,614 85,349 lease liabilities, net of current portion 70,391 65,041 other long term liabilities 710 473 contingent consideration 1,410 2,819 deferred income taxes 32,070 31,126 total liabilities $ 202,195 $ 184,808 stockholders' equity: common stock - 26,000,000 shares authorized at $0.01 par value, 23,494,045 and 23,473,931 shares issued and outstanding at june 18, 2022 and january 1, 2022, respectively $ 235 $ 235 additional paid-in capital 206,296 204,920 retained earnings 171,052 137,067 accumulated other comprehensive loss (241 ) (166 ) total stockholders' equity $ 377,342 342,056 total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 579,537 $ 526,864 heritage-crystal clean, inc. condensed consolidated statements of income (in thousands, except per share amounts) (unaudited) second quarter ended, first half ended, june 18, 2022 june 19, 2021 june 18, 2022 june 19, 2021 revenues service revenues $ 75,583 $ 60,033 $ 144,490 $ 117,732 product revenues 74,790 51,551 139,272 93,817 rental income 6,274 5,695 12,251 11,111 total revenues $ 156,647 $ 117,279 $ 296,013 $ 222,660 operating expenses operating costs $ 104,755 $ 78,329 $ 206,538 $ 155,099 selling, general, and administrative expenses 15,024 13,039 28,759 25,228 depreciation and amortization 6,777 5,619 13,285 9,401 other expense (income) - net 1,001 (330 ) 791 (439 ) operating income 29,090 20,622 46,640 33,371 interest expense – net 250 177 473 501 income before income taxes 28,840 20,445 46,167 32,870 provision for income taxes 7,733 5,334 12,182 8,553 net income $ 21,107 $ 15,111 $ 33,985 $ 24,317 net income per share: basic $ 0.90 $ 0.65 $ 1.45 $ 1.04 net income per share: diluted $ 0.89 $ 0.64 $ 1.44 $ 1.03 number of weighted average shares outstanding: basic 23,489 23,404 23,482 23,389 number of weighted average shares outstanding: diluted 23,644 23,565 23,640 23,537 heritage-crystal clean, inc. reconciliation of operating segment information (unaudited) second quarter ended, june 18, 2022 (thousands) environmental services oil business corporate and eliminations consolidated revenues service revenues $ 72,979 $ 2,604 $ — $ 75,583 product revenues 12,634 62,156 — 74,790 rental income 6,265 9 — 6,274 total revenues $ 91,878 $ 64,769 $ — $ 156,647 operating expenses operating costs 68,914 35,841 — 104,755 operating depreciation and amortization 3,192 2,125 — 5,317 profit before corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 19,772 $ 26,803 $ — $ 46,575 selling, general, and administrative expenses 15,024 15,024 depreciation and amortization from sg&a 1,460 1,460 total selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 16,484 $ 16,484 other expense (income) - net 1,001 1,001 operating income 29,090 interest expense – net 250 250 income before income taxes $ 28,840 second quarter ended, june 19, 2021 (thousands) environmental services oil business corporate and eliminations consolidated revenues service revenues $ 56,403 $ 3,630 $ — $ 60,033 product revenues 10,627 40,924 — 51,551 rental income 5,686 9 — 5,695 total revenues $ 72,716 $ 44,563 $ — $ 117,279 operating expenses operating costs 51,119 27,210 — 78,329 operating depreciation and amortization 2,430 2,109 — 4,539 profit before corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 19,167 $ 15,244 $ — $ 34,411 selling, general, and administrative expenses 13,039 13,039 depreciation and amortization from sg&a 1,080 1,080 total selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 14,119 $ 14,119 other (income) - net (330 ) (330 ) operating income 20,622 interest expense – net 177 177 income before income taxes $ 20,445 first half ended, june 18, 2022 (thousands) environmental services oil business corporate and eliminations consolidated revenues service revenues $ 139,278 $ 5,212 $ — $ 144,490 product revenues 25,023 114,249 — 139,272 rental income 12,228 23 — 12,251 total revenues $ 176,529 $ 119,484 $ — $ 296,013 operating expenses operating costs 136,532 70,006 — 206,538 operating depreciation and amortization 6,081 4,209 — 10,290 profit before corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 33,916 $ 45,269 $ — $ 79,185 selling, general, and administrative expenses 28,759 28,759 depreciation and amortization from sg&a 2,995 2,995 total selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 31,754 $ 31,754 other expense (income) - net 791 791 operating income 46,640 interest expense – net 473 473 income before income taxes $ 46,167 first half ended, june 19, 2021 (thousands) environmental services oil business corporate and eliminations consolidated revenues service revenues $ 109,706 $ 8,026 $ — $ 117,732 product revenues 21,374 72,443 — 93,817 rental income 11,093 18 — 11,111 total revenues $ 142,173 $ 80,487 $ — $ 222,660 operating expenses operating costs 102,999 52,100 — 155,099 operating depreciation and amortization 4,008 3,058 — 7,066 profit (loss) before corporate selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 35,166 $ 25,329 $ — $ 60,495 selling, general, and administrative expenses 25,228 25,228 depreciation and amortization from sg&a 2,335 2,335 total selling, general, and administrative expenses $ 27,563 $ 27,563 other (income) - net (439 ) (439 ) operating income 33,371 interest expense – net 501 501 income before income taxes $ 32,870 heritage-crystal clean, inc. reconciliation of our net income determined in accordance with u.s. gaap to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation & amortization (ebitda) and to adjusted ebitda (unaudited) second quarter ended, first half ended, (thousands) june 18, 2022 june 19, 2021 june 18, 2022 june 19, 2021 net income $ 21,107 $ 15,111 $ 33,985 $ 24,317 interest expense – net 250 177 473 501 provision for income taxes 7,733 5,334 12,182 8,553 depreciation and amortization 6,777 5,619 13,285 9,401 ebitda (a) $ 35,867 $ 26,241 $ 59,925 $ 42,772 non-cash compensation (b) 1,292 1,668 2,785 2,886 loss on disposal of re-refinery assets (c) 1,194 — 1,194 — costs associated with business acquisitions (d) 823 — 835 — provision for civil action settlement (e) 750 — 750 — adjusted ebitda (f) $ 39,926 $ 27,909 $ 65,489 $ 45,658 (a) ebitda represents net income before provision for income taxes, interest income, interest expense, depreciation and amortization. we have presented ebitda because we consider it an important supplemental measure of our performance and believe it is frequently used by analysts, investors, our lenders, and other interested parties in the evaluation of companies in our industry. management uses ebitda as a measurement tool for evaluating our actual operating performance compared to budget and prior periods. other companies in our industry may calculate ebitda differently than we do. ebitda is not a measure of performance under u.s. gaap and should not be considered as a substitute for net income prepared in accordance with u.s. gaap. ebitda has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under u.s. gaap. some of these limitations are: ebitda does not reflect our cash expenditures, or future requirements, for capital expenditures or contractual commitments; ebitda does not reflect interest expense or the cash requirements necessary to service interest or principal payments on our debt; ebitda does not reflect tax expense or the cash requirements necessary to pay for tax obligations; and although depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortized will often have to be replaced in the future, and ebitda does not reflect any cash requirements for such replacements. we compensate for these limitations by relying primarily on our u.s. gaap results and using ebitda only as a supplement. (b) non-cash compensation expenses which are recorded in sg&a. (c) loss on disposal of assets related to our re-refinery operations. (d) acquisition costs associated with the pending patriot environmental business acquisition which are recorded in sg&a. (e) civil action settlement accrual recorded in sg&a. (f) we have presented adjusted ebitda because we consider it an important supplemental measure of our performance and believe it may be used by analysts, investors, our lenders, and other interested parties in the evaluation of our performance. other companies in our industry may calculate adjusted ebitda differently than we do. adjusted ebitda is not a measure of performance under u.s. gaap and should not be considered as a substitute for net income prepared in accordance with u.s. gaap. adjusted ebitda has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under u.s. gaap. use of non-gaap financial measures reconciliation of our net earnings (loss) and net earnings (loss) per share determined in accordance with u.s. gaap to our non-gaap adjusted net earnings (loss) and non-gaap adjusted net earnings (loss) per share (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) second quarter ended, first half ended, june 18, 2022 june 19, 2021 june 18, 2022 june 19, 2021 gaap net earnings $ 21,107 $ 15,111 $ 33,985 $ 24,317 loss on disposal of re-refinery assets (a) 1,194 — 1,194 — tax effect on disposal loss (318 ) — (313 ) — costs associated with business acquisitions (b) 823 — 835 — tax effect on business acquisitions costs (219 ) — (219 ) — provision for civil action settlement (c) 750 — 750 — tax effect on provision for settlement (200 ) — (196 ) — adjusted net earnings $ 23,137 $ 15,111 $ 36,036 $ 24,317 gaap diluted earnings per share $ 0.89 $ 0.64 $ 1.44 $ 1.03 loss on disposal of re-refinery assets per share 0.05 — 0.05 — tax effect on loss on disposal per share (0.01 ) — (0.01 ) — costs associated with business acquisitions per share 0.03 — 0.04 — tax effect on costs associated with business acquisitions per share (0.01 ) — (0.01 ) — provision for civil action settlement per share 0.03 — 0.03 — tax effect on provision for civil action settlement per share (0.01 ) — (0.01 ) — adjusted diluted earnings per share $ 0.97 $ 0.64 $ 1.52 $ 1.03 (a) loss on disposal of assets related to our re-refinery operations. (b) acquisition costs associated with the pending patriot environmental business acquisition which are recorded in sg&a. (c) civil action settlement accrual recorded in sg&a.
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