New blue tastefuls wet cat food solves pet parents’ mealtime angst by bringing together taste and nutrition
Wilton, conn.--(business wire)--americans have increased their focus on wellness over the last year and many are acknowledging the important role pets play in reducing their stress and improving their sense of wellbeing. as pet parents consider their own health, they are also prioritizing the wellbeing of their furry friends. however, as pet parents seek nutritious food for their cats, more than half (55%) of cat parents feel they must choose between food that is good for their cat and food their cat enjoys, according to a recent study conducted by blue buffalo, the nation's leading natural pet food company. blue buffalo deeply understands this challenge and has been relentlessly focused on naturalizing cat food for the past decade. blue’s commitment to pet parents has always been that all blue buffalo recipes must meet the brand’s true blue promise of using the finest natural ingredients—real meat as the first ingredient, no chicken (or poultry) by-product meals, no corn, wheat or soy and no artificial flavors and preservatives. now, with a culinary breakthrough, blue buffalo is unveiling blue tastefuls™, a new portfolio of wet cat food specially crafted to entice even the finickiest felines while delivering high quality nutrition through natural ingredients. replacing blue’s healthy gourmet offering, blue tastefuls™ is better tasting and healthy as ever and sets a new standard for wet cat food. “at blue buffalo, we love our pets like family and feed them like family. that means never compromising our high quality and nutrition standards while at the same time working tirelessly to ensure even the pickiest of cats love the delicious taste of our recipes,” said elizabeth fulmer, a product innovation lead at blue buffalo who led the development of tastefuls. “with the variety of recipes tastefuls offers, there is a mouthwatering option perfect for every cat’s discerning palate.” fussiness at mealtime is real with nearly 40% of cat parents saying their cat is a pickier eater than a child. cat parents report noticing changes in their furry friend’s behavior when they don’t like their food including their cat waging a hunger strike (13%), exhibiting angry meowing (12%) or turning its bowl over (10%). these mealtime protests can become a source of stress, with more than half (51%) of cat parents saying they must change their cat’s food on occasion, frequently or have trouble finding food their cat enjoys. and, more than one-third of cat parents (37%) have actually tasted their cat’s food or considered sampling it to make sure it tastes good. tastefuls solves cat parents’ mealtime angst with irresistible cuts like silky smooth patÉ, flaked entrÉes and tender morsels, all with real meat as the first ingredient and made with the finest natural ingredients plus vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. in addition, canned cat foods have high moisture content to help cats get their daily hydration. blue tastefuls™ patÉs: even finicky cats can’t resist these tempting recipes starting with delicious beef, chicken, salmon, turkey or whitefish. the chicken flavor is available in three different life-stage formulations for kitten (with dha to support cognitive development); adult (packed with protein, vitamins and minerals); and mature (to help older cats stay active with energy from high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates). blue tastefuls™ flaked entrÉes: high-quality chicken, fish, salmon or tuna is the first ingredient in scrumptious gravy with brown rice and sweet potatoes. blue tastefuls™ tender morsels: mouthwatering real chicken or tuna is the first ingredient in these delicious entrÉes served in savory sauce with wholesome brown rice and sweet potatoes. blue tastefuls™ is available for purchase in 3oz cans for $0.99 msrp and 5.5oz cans for $1.29 msrp at retailers nationwide, including amazon, chewy, kroger, meijer, petco, petsmart, publix, target, walmart and other retailers. to learn more about blue tastefuls™, please visit and follow blue buffalo on instagram at @bluebuffalo, twitter at @bluebuffalo and facebook at about blue buffalo blue buffalo, the country’s #1 wholesome natural pet food, started with a promise made to a lovable airedale named blue who struggled with cancer, the leading cause of death in dogs. his family, the bishops, wanted to feed him the best food possible, so they searched for food with high-quality ingredients, but decided to create something even better – natural pet food for dogs and cats with nutritious ingredients, real meat first, and some of the highest standards in the industry. since day 1, blue’s team of veterinarians and animal nutritionists has carefully selected high-quality, natural ingredients and upheld its true blue promise to dog and cat pet parents – real meat as the first ingredient with no chicken (or poultry) by-product meals, no corn, wheat or soy, and no artificial flavors or preservatives. the result is a portfolio of high-quality, natural food and treats that both dogs and cats love. this simple idea: “love them like family. feed them like family.” lives on today in every blue buffalo recipe.