U.s pet imaging market summary report 2023: pet prostate scan volumes saw robust growth in 2022 - researchandmarkets.com
Dublin--(business wire)--the "2023 u.s pet imaging market summary report" report has been added to researchandmarkets.com's offering. this '2023 pet imaging market summary report' summarizes the results from the medical information division's 2022 pet census of hospital and non-hospital facilities performing pet imaging in the united states. the universe of pet sites for this study is defined as any location where pet scans are performed using a fixed pet-only, fixed pet/ct, fixed pet/mr, or a pet-only or pet/ct scanner provided by a mobile van service. the responses from the 386 pet imaging professionals have been projected to the identified universe of 2,445 hospitals and imaging/pet centers that perform pet imaging using fixed or mobile pet equipment. pet prostate scan volumes grew 46% year-over-year, showing an increase of 3 percentage points to produce 9% of the overall procedure mix by study type, according to the 2023 pet market summary report. after a 12.2% increase in overall pet scan volume in 2021, pet scan volume remained flat year over year in 2022. however, the change in volume of pet scans varied by site type, with hospitals with less than 400 beds having a 25% increase in scan volume, nonhospital sites seeing a 10.9% decrease, and hospitals with 400 or more beds remaining flat in 2022. looking ahead, 47% of pet imaging sites anticipate their scan volumes will increase over the next 12 months, 44% of volumes to stay the same, and 1% anticipate a decrease. pertaining to radiopharmaceutical usage, 82% of pet scans used f-18 fdg, 7% used rubidium-82, and all other agents made up the remaining 11%. in 2022, 30% of sites were considering the purchase of a pet scanner over the next three years, up 2 percentage points from 2021. the percentage of sites planning to have capital budgets for pet equipment in 2023 is expected to decrease 3 percentage points from 2022 levels to 11% of sites, and then remain flat in 2024. of planned system purchases in 2022, 92% will be equipped with a digital detector. the top oems being considered for future pet system purchases are siemens healthineers with 64% of mentions, ge healthcare with 54%, philips with 8%, canon medical systems with 4%, and united imaging with 2%. regarding patient wait times for nonemergency outpatient pet scans, the overall median wait time is six days, with 29% of sites having a median wait time of less than three days. independent pet sites have the shortest median wait time of three days, and hospitals with 400 or more beds, hospitals with less than 200 beds, and hospital-owned pet centers have the longest, with a median wait time of seven days. the 2023 pet market summary report explores market trends in u.s. hospitals and imaging centers, including procedure volume, manufacture-installed base features and share, the use of oem vs. third-party service providers, purchase plans, brand loyalty, radiopharmaceutical usage, and site operations characteristics. the report was published in march 2023 and is based on responses from 386 radiology/departmental administrators and clinicians who participated in the nationwide survey from august 2021-september 2022. vendors covered in this report include bracco, canon, cardinal health, gehc, jubilant, philips, siemens, and sofie. pet imaging has grown over the past two decades to become a mainstay in the diagnosis and management of cancer patients. while oncology scans continue to comprise the majority of pet scans, new radiopharmaceuticals offer the promise of increasing the efficacy of pet imaging for cardiology and neurology. the '2023 pet imaging market summary report' monitors trends in pet scan utilization, the adoption of fixed pet scanners (e.g., pet-only, pet/ct, and pet/mr), the use of mobile pet services, purchase plans, and radiopharmaceutical use. survey results are projected to the universe of facilities using pet, and the report addresses the pet unit market for 2022-2026. key features: pet scan volume what is the trend in pet scans performed from 2003-2022? how many clinical pet imaging studies were conducted on fixed vs. mobile pet systems? what is the trend in use by hospital-based vs. independent non-hospital locations? what is the current mix of pet scans by oncology, cardiology, and neurology clinical applications? what is the anticipated pet imaging scan volume for 2023? pet equipment installed base and purchase plans how many fixed pet-only, pet/ct, and pet/mr units are installed in the united states? how many sites use mobile pet imaging services? what is the installed base market share by manufacturer? what is current and planned mix of pet/cts, by the number of ct slices and bore size? what is the brand loyalty for future purchases? what is the pet scanner unit forecast for 2022 to 2026? radiopharmaceuticals utilization and budgets what is the supplier share for radiopharmaceuticals? how many pet scans use rb82, axumin, or ga-68 dotatate? how much is spent on pet radiopharmaceuticals, per dose, per site, and in total? site operations characteristics how many technologists, clerical, administrators, and radiopharmacists are employed per site? how many pet imaging scans are performed per site? per unit? what are the typical operating hours of pet departments? what physician types are the top referrers for pet scans? what is the typical waiting time for an outpatient pet study? a selection of companies mentioned in this report includes bracco canon cardinal health gehc jubilant philips siemens sofie for more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/wdmwnh