Gan launches internet casino for parx casino

London & dublin--(business wire)--gan plc (“gan” or the “company”), an award-winning developer and supplier of enterprise-level b2b internet gambling software, services and online gaming content in the united states, today announces that gan and greenwood gaming & entertainment, inc. trading as ‘parx casino’ (“parx casino”) launched 24/7 internet casino gaming in the commonwealth of pennsylvania on wednesday july 17. this launch represents the second major launch of online services for parx casino, following the launch of internet sports betting on june 24, 2019. at launch, parx casino was the only internet casino offering the #1 market leading table game online, ‘pro blackjack’ (pennsylvania edition), developed and delivered by gan to be compliant with pennsylvania’s specifically-approved blackjack game rules. a total of 47 casino games were released via desktop and mobile web together with an android-compatible mobile app. selected casino slots and table games were delivered online for gan’s development & distribution clients, including major u.s. casino equipment manufacturers’ incredible technologies, everi holdings, deq and konami. parx casino patrons can also link their reward card online to their counterpart internet gambling account, enabled by gan’s u.s. patented integration framework. highlights the pennsylvania regulated internet gaming market is forecast to generate $200m1 in gross gaming revenue online during the first twelve months of operation and internet sports betting is forecast to generate a further $189m2 in the same period. parx owns and operates the #1 land-based casino property in pennsylvania located a short distance from philadelphia, pennsylvania’s largest city. in the most recent fiscal year ended june 30, 2018, parx casino generated $570m from on-property slot machines and table games, representing an 18% share of the pennsylvania’s $3.2bn gaming market. gan’s us-patented technology enables parx casino patrons enrolled in the on-property loyalty program, to sign up online and instantly link their reward cards to their online account permitting those guests to trade in their reward points earned from on-property gaming for cash online and/or to earn rewards points from internet gaming and/or sports betting to be subsequently redeemed on-property. management commentary dermot smurfit, chief executive officer of gan commented: “launching the largest casino in pennsylvania online, nearly two years after legislation first passed, appears to have been well worth the wait. gan’s shareholders can take heart that early indications appear supportive of industry forecasts for internet gambling in pennsylvania and we look forward to expanding into other u.s. states for parx casino as well as for new clients, just as we have now expanded from new jersey into neighbouring pennsylvania. as the saying goes, ‘experience counts’ and gan has the experience, capability and opportunity to remain a market leading b2b technology provider as more u.s. states regulate internet gambling. on behalf of everyone at gan, we would like to thank our client parx casino and the pennsylvania regulator, the pgcb, for the privilege of serving internet gambling to residents of your commonwealth.” john dixon, chief operating officer of greenwood gaming & entertainment, inc commented: “by leveraging gan’s proven platform, parx casino has now deployed both internet sports betting and internet casino gaming, integrated with our xclub on-property rewards program, to become among the very first internet gambling operators to launch in the commonwealth of pennsylvania.” notes 1 eilers & krejcik gaming, llc | ‘pennsylvania gambling expansion – overview and analysis’ november 8, 2017 2 regulus partners, an international gambling advisory group june 18, 2018 about gan plc gan is a leading business-to-business (“b2b”) supplier of internet gambling software-as-a-service solutions (“saas”) to the us land-based casino industry. the company has developed a proprietary internet gambling enterprise software system, gamestack™, which it licenses principally to land-based us casino operators as a turnkey technology solution for regulated real-money internet gambling, encompassing internet gaming, internet sports gaming and virtual simulated gaming. the company has also launched digital user acquisition & retention marketing in support of the internet casino ( provided by gan’s digital marketing agency in tel aviv, israel. gan is listed on the london stock exchange (lse: gan). for more information please visit
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