Fortune brands home & security, inc. reports earnings results for the third quarter ended september 30, 2019

Fortune brands home & security, inc. announced earnings results for the third quarter ended september 30, 2019. for the third quarter, the company announced sales was usd 1,459 million compared to usd 1,380.8 million a year ago. operating income was usd 168 million compared to usd 147.1 million a year ago. net income was usd 105.6 million compared to usd 99.8 million a year ago. diluted earnings per share from continuing operations was usd 0.75 compared to usd 0.69 a year ago. for the nine months, sales was usd 4,294.1 million compared to usd 4,064.4 million a year ago. operating income was usd 506 million compared to usd 455.1 million a year ago. net income was usd 327.8 million compared to usd 304.4 million a year ago. diluted earnings per share from continuing operations was usd 2.32 compared to usd 2.06 a year ago.
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