Ecopetrol's board of directors appointment

BogotÁ, colombia , oct. 24, 2022 /prnewswire/ -- ecopetrol s.a. (bvc: ecopetrol; nyse: ec) informs that at the extraordinary general shareholder's meeting held on october 24, 2022, its board of directors was appointed as follows: non-independent representatives: mÓnica de greiff lindo gonzalo hernÁndez jimÉnez independent representatives: gabriel mauricio cabrera galvis carlos gustavo cano sanz saÚl kattan cohen sandra ospina arango luis santiago perdomo maldonado esteban piedrahÍta uribe sergio restrepo isaza ecopetrol is the largest company in colombia and one of the main integrated energy companies in the american continent, with more than 18,000 employees.
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