Decisions of ecopetrol s.a.'s board of directors

BogotÁ, colombia , march 31, 2023 /prnewswire/ -- ecopetrol s.a. (bvc: ecopetrol; nyse: ec) informs that the board of directors, in its meeting held on march 31, 2023, approved the composition of its committees as follows: audit and risk committee luis alberto zuleta (president) juan josÉ echavarrÍa sandra ospina claudia gonzÁlez new business committee saÚl kattan (president) esteban piedrahita gonzalo hernÁndez mauricio cabrera sandra ospina mÓnica de greiff claudia gonzÁlez corporate governance and sustainability committee esteban piedrahita (president) gonzalo hernÁndez mÓnica de greiff claudia gonzÁlez luis alberto zuleta juan josÉ echavarrÍa remuneration, nomination, and culture committee mauricio cabrera (president) mÓnica de greiff saÚl kattan juan josÉ echavarrÍa hse committee sandra ospina (president) claudia gonzÁlez luis alberto zuleta mÓnica de greiff mauricio cabrera technology and innovation committee saÚl kattan (president) esteban piedrahita sandra ospina these appointments are effective as of the date hereof.
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