Chevron corp expects doubling of adjusted free cash flow per share by 2024

Chevron outlines plan to deliver leading shareholder returns.chevron corp - return on capital employed exceeds 10% by 2024.chevron corp - has potential to distribute $75 - $80 billion in cash to shareholders over next five years.chevron corp - expects 9 percent compound annual growth in adjusted operating cash flow per share through 2024.chevron corp - expect return on capital to exceed 10 percent by 2024 at flat $60 brent nominal prices.chevron corp - continues to execute its lower-risk and disciplined capital program.chevron corp - expects compound annual production growth greater than 3% from 2019 to 2024, excluding any future unannounced asset sales.chevron corp - expect to see sustained production over 1 million barrels per day in permian through 2040 at relatively flat activity levels.chevron corp - new $2 billion target for cost and margin improvements as well as short cycle, capital efficient investments.chevron corp - expect doubling of adjusted free cash flow per share by 2024.chevron - expect to hold annual capital spending in a narrow range of $19 to $22 billion through 2024.
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