Cenovus announces repurchase of 84% of its outstanding warrants

Calgary, alberta, june 14, 2023 (globe newswire) -- cenovus energy inc. (tsx: cve) (nyse: cve) has reached separate agreements with each of hutchison whampoa europe investments s.À r.l. (hwei) and l.f. investments s.À r.l. (lfi) to purchase for cancellation all of the warrants held by hwei and lfi, respectively, representing an aggregate of 45,484,672 warrants (cve.wt), for $711 million in the aggregate (the warrant repurchase transactions). as part of cenovus's combination with husky energy inc., each husky shareholder received 0.7845 of a cenovus common share plus 0.0651 of a cenovus common share purchase warrant in exchange for each husky common share, with each whole warrant having an exercise price of $6.54 per common share, expiring january 1, 2026.
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