The cooper companies, inc. provides earnings guidance for the first quarter and full year of 2020

The cooper companies, inc. provided earnings guidance for the first quarter and full year of 2020. for the year 2020, the company fiscal 2020 total revenue $2,767 - $2,817 million (5% to 7% constant currency); cvi revenue $2,070 - $2,100 million (5.5% to 7% constant currency); csi revenue $697 - $717 million (3% to 6% constant currency). fiscal first quarter 2020, the company expects total revenue $638 - $653 million (2% to 5% constant currency); cvi revenue $480 - $490 million (3% to 5% constant currency); csi revenue $158 - $163 million (flat to 4% constant currency).
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