Centogene signs data access and collaboration agreement with pfizer inc

Centogene announced a new data access and collaboration agreement with pfizer inc. the agreement grants pfizer access to centogene’s data repository, which may be used in the discovery and validation of novel genetic and biochemical targets for the potential development of new therapies for rare diseases. under the terms of the agreement, centogene and pfizer will work together to mine the data repository and jointly agree to any collaborative research projects designed to substantiate results of data mining. centogene will receive an upfront payment and will be eligible for additional research payments under any future collaborative research projects. individual-level data from the repository will be managed, protected and shared with pfizer in compliance with international data privacy regulations. centogene’s rare disease data repository integrates relevant structured and unstructured patient data, including clinical information; health records; and genetic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data. it also includes longitudinal data such as biomarker or patient recorded outcome, as well as diagnostic workflow data.
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