Biosig technologies welcomes the creation of new bioelectronic medicine alliance

Biosig technologies announced that the company supported the launch of the alliance for advancing bioelectronic medicine (aabm), an independent network of professionals united to support bioelectronic medicine. the alliance grew out of an invitation-only roundtable and working group that biosig organized earlier this year, at which a distinguished group of researchers, entrepreneurs, and healthcare experts agreed on the need for a collaborative effort to create a shared vision for bioelectronic medicine. the alliance for advancing bioelectronic medicine aims to play a unique convening role, mobilizing patients, physicians, and other stakeholders to advocate for the field, and increasing awareness among audiences that are important for the field’s growth, including policymakers, investors, media, and the general public. its steering committee includes experts with experience at the mayo clinic, the heart rhythm society, the european heart rhythm association, the feinstein institute, rand corporation, battelle, imperial college london, and sheba medical center.
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