Joint communiquÉ: biontech evaluates mrna vaccine manufacturing solutions in rwanda and senegal to improve long-term vaccine supply

Berlin, germany, august 27, 2021 (globe newswire) – biontech se (nasdaq: bntx, “biontech” or “the company”) agreed today to evaluate the establishment of sustainable vaccine manufacturing capabilities in rwanda and senegal to support vaccine supply for the member states of the african union. following the invitation of the kenup foundation, president paul kagame of rwanda, president macky sall of senegal, and president ursula von der leyen of the european commission met uĞur Şahin, ceo and co-founder of biontech in berlin to discuss the development of sustainable vaccine production for africa. the meeting resulted in a joint communiquÉ affirming biontech's intention to manufacture mrna vaccines arising from its malaria and tuberculosis vaccine development programs on the african continent.
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