Burning rock and impact therapeutics announce a global strategic partnership for companion diagnostics development

Guangzhou, china, aug. 03, 2021 (globe newswire) -- burning rock biotech limited (nasdaq: bnr, the “company” or “burning rock”) today announced a global strategic partnership with impact therapeutics in companion diagnostics (cdx) development for a pipeline of drugs in the field of synthetic lethality. the two companies will jointly develop cdx for a targeted oncology drug, senaparib (imp4297), a parp inhibitor, for the treatment of prostate cancer globally, including cdx submissions to both the u.s. food and drug administration (fda) and the national medical products administration of china (nmpa). the global program will be supported by burning rock's clinical laboratory improvement amendments (clia) certified and college of american pathologists (cap) accredited labs in guangzhou, china and california, u.s. furthermore, the two companies will deepen collaborations in exploring and discovering new biomarkers for a pipeline of targeted drugs.
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