Burning rock announces results of 2024 annual general meeting

Guangzhou, china, dec. 31, 2024 (globe newswire) -- burning rock biotech limited (nasdaq: bnr, the “company” or “burning rock”), a company focusing on the application of next generation sequencing (ngs) technology in the field of precision oncology, today announced that all shareholder resolutions proposed at the company's 2024 annual general meeting held today were duly passed. specifically, the shareholders passed the following resolutions: as an ordinary resolution, that the appointment of ernst & young hua ming llp as auditor of the company for the fiscal year ending december 31, 2024 be ratified and that the directors of the company be authorized to determine the remuneration of the auditor; as an ordinary resolution, that yusheng han and gang lu be re-elected as directors of the company; and as an ordinary resolution, that each of the directors of the company be authorized to take any and all action that might be necessary to effect the foregoing resolutions as such director, in his or her absolute discretion, thinks fit.
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