Bionano to be featured at agbt 2021 with presentations of scientific discoveries made with saphyr in psychiatric disorders and cancer

San diego, march 01, 2021 (globe newswire) -- bionano genomics, inc. (nasdaq: bngo) announced today that the 2021 advances in genome biology and technology (agbt) meeting will feature presentations from scientists at leading research institutes and hospitals including boston children's hospital, harvard medical school, tel aviv university and the company describing their work with the saphyr system for optical genome mapping (ogm) in psychiatric disorders and cancer. agbt will be held virtually at march 1-3. bionano's optical genome mapping technology will be discussed in poster presentations and plenary talks on agbt's main agenda. additionally, bionano will host a live interview with bionano ceo dr. erik holmlin and cmo dr. alka chaubey conducted by theral timpson, host, producer and co-founder of mendelspod as part of the official conference program. the recording of the interview will be released on thursday, march 4 as a regular episode of mendelspod, the leading podcast covering the genomics industry.
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