Frontline management and onelife investments completed the acquisition of brookdale easley, brookdale richmond heights and brookdale north chandler from brookdale senior living inc. (nyse:bkd).

Frontline management and onelife investments agreed to acquire brookdale easley, brookdale richmond heights and brookdale north chandler from brookdale senior living inc. (nyse:bkd) on november 5, 2019. frontline management and onelife investments completed the acquisition of brookdale easley, brookdale richmond heights and brookdale north chandler from brookdale senior living inc. (nyse:bkd) on november 7, 2019. frontline management and onelife investments plan to rebrand the three properties and transfer operations to frontline. the properties area brookdale easley, now easley place; brookdale richmond heights, now richmond heights place; and brookdale north chandler, now north chandler place.
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