Ke holdings inc. to hold annual general meeting on june 14, 2024

Beijing, april 26, 2024 (globe newswire) -- ke holdings inc. (“beike” or the “company”) (nyse: beke; hkex: 2423), a leading integrated online and offline platform for housing transactions and services, today announced that it will hold an annual general meeting of the company's shareholders (the “agm”) at 10:00 a.m. beijing time on friday, june 14, 2024 at oriental electronic technology building, no. 2 chuangye road, haidian district, beijing, prc, for the purposes of considering and, if thought fit, passing each of the proposed resolutions as defined and set forth in the notice of the agm (the “agm notice”). a circular of the company dated april 26, 2024 in relation to the agm, the agm notice and the form of proxy for the agm are available on the company's website at the board of directors of the company fully supports the proposed resolutions and recommends that shareholders and holders of american depositary shares (“adss”) of the company vote in favor of the proposed resolutions.
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