Bloom energy and california bioenergy llc to generate renewable electricity from dairy waste

Bloom energy and california bioenergy llc announced a collaboration to deploy the companies’ commercial solution for the conversion of dairy waste into renewable electricity without combustion. calbio’s dairy digester technology with bloom energy’s solid oxide fuel cell technology delivers an end-to-end solution for the capture of methane and generation of renewable electricity. the solution has been designed such that the electricity will power electric vehicles (evs) throughout california. in integrating these proven technologies, the two companies have created the world’s first commercial solution to generate non-combusted electricity from dairy waste to power evs. most california dairies are making plans to install digesters to capture biogas from their cow manure and are looking for a cleaner way to utilize this fuel. biogas captured from cow manure contains approximately 65% methane, which has a 25 times greater impact on global warming than co2 emissions and accounts for 10% of u.s. greenhouse gas emissions, but is also a useful, renewable fuel. the calbio-bloom energy solution not only produces clean electricity, it also removes methane that would otherwise have been released into the atmosphere. capturing and utilizing waste methane is a powerful way to positively and quickly impact climate change.
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