Banco bbva argentina s.a. announces dividend payment

Buenos aires, argentina , nov. 18, 2022 /prnewswire/ -- banco bbva argentina s.a (nyse; byma; mae: bbar; latibex: xbbar) announced today the approval of dividend payment the shareholders of banco bbva argentina s.a. are hereby informed that in accordance with the decision taken by the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting  held on april 29, 2022, and the meeting of the board of directors held on june 16, 2022, in relation to installment 12, from december 6, 2022 ("payment date"), a dividend in the amount of ar$ 1,097,100,750 (ar$ 1.7905707570 per share representing 179.0570757038 % of the capital stock of ar$ 612.710.079), corresponding to installment n° 12, shall be made available to the shareholders registered in the stock register of the bank on december 5, 2022 ("record date").
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