Axonics modulation technologies, inc. provides update on u.s. launch activities

Axonics modulation technologies, inc. provided an update on the status of u.s. launch activities following food & drug administration (“fda”) approval of the axonics r-snm® system for bowel dysfunction in september 2019. on saturday, october 12, in orlando, fla., axonics completed the first of four physician seminars scheduled in the united states in october and november. more than 60 experienced snm implanters attended the one-day seminar in orlando with an additional 250 physicians registered for the remaining fully booked programs in dallas, irvine and boston. the seminar content included background on axonics, a detailed overview of the axonics r-snm system and its approach to developing the fuss-free system, best snm implant practices, a review of clinical experience and a panel discussion with physicians experienced in implanting the axonics device. in addition, attendees were provided hands-on product demonstrations of the system. additional programs in the fourth quarter are being contemplated based on demand.
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