Aspira women's health reports fourth quarter and full year 2023 financial results

2023 ovasuite revenue of $9.2 million, an increase of 15% year-over-year 2023 ovasuite volume of 23,990 units, an increase of 12% year-over-year cash utilization declined in both the fourth quarter and full-year 2023 to $3.5 million and $15.9 million, respectively conference call and webcast scheduled for today at 8:30 am et austin, texas, march 28, 2024 (globe newswire) -- aspira women's health inc. (“aspira” or the “company”) (nasdaq: awh), a bio-analytical based women's health company focused on the development of gynecologic disease diagnostic tools, today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended december 31, 2023. “we made a great deal of progress in 2023.
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