Applied uv continues international expansion with airocide(r) installation in swiss international school

Airocide® technology helps schools reopen and allow for the safe return to campus distributor installation will serve as a prototype project for the expansion of the airocide® solution into the school systems located in the eu mount vernon, ny / accesswire / june 30, 2021 / applied uv, inc. (nasdaqcm:auvi) ("applied uv" or the "company"), an infection control technology company that applies the power of narrow-range ultraviolet light ("uvc") for surface areas and catalytic bioconversion technology for air purification to destroy pathogens safely, thoroughly, and automatically, announced that its european distributor has installed airocide® units in verbier international school, a private boarding school located in verbier, switzerland to help create safer and cleaner environments for students and faculty throughout campus. applied uv expects that this installation will serve as a prototype project for the expansion of the airocide® solution into school systems located in the eu and uk.
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