’s call branding tools deliver 3x industry average answer rates
New york--(business wire), the outbound phone and sms sales solution, announced today the launch of a suite of call branding tools for b2c sales teams to increase outbound call answer rate.’s branded caller id provides businesses with the ability to show their company name, location, logo, and other identifiable information to the customer’s cell phone before the call. for customers whose calls are being flagged as spam, spam remediation (often called reputation management) ensures legitimate callers are not flagged as spam. and the journey builder has been updated to enable brands to a/b test local presence, branded numbers, and unbranded numbers in the same outbound campaign.’s new tools reach all 400m wireless devices in the us and drive an average 30% answer rate – 3x the industry average rate – resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in incremental revenue for’s customers from this feature alone. as consumer discovery and demand shifts online in industries that require a conversation for onboarding (e.g. insurance, healthcare and education), businesses have switched to using phone calls in place of an in-person conversation. but when consumers don’t recognize the number, or carriers flag that number as spam, the call doesn’t get answered. unknown numbers are a scourge for customers and businesses alike – over 90% of calls from unknown numbers go unanswered – leading to missed opportunities. even after being lost for more than a day, this stranded hiker didn’t answer calls from the emergency services because “they didn’t recognize the number”. is on a mission to help b2c businesses improve their phone and sms outreach. branded calling builds trust leading to an increase in answer rate, more conversations with qualified prospects who actually want to talk with you, and over 25% increase in revenue. key features of regal branded caller id include: reach all us carriers - reach all 400m us wireless devices from one platform no integration needed - upload numbers manually or programmatically testing & reporting - create a/b tests and track the impact of branding calls over time carrier-level data - monitor the carrier-reported answer rate, connect rate, time on call and reputation and health of your phone numbers " not only stopped our calls from being marked spam, they helped establish trust with borrowers more quickly. with branded calling, our answer rates increased by 60%,” said luke hardiman, technical sales, embrace home loans. “’s call branding solution builds trust with our leads and allows them to immediately connect the dots between their recent visit to our site and the reason for our call,” said michael rose-sandow, director of sales operations, kin insurance. “as a result, we connect with more leads, have more meaningful conversations with those leads, and ultimately convert more leads into customers.” “we understand how painful it is when an unknown number comes between a brand and their customer. brands used to call customers 10+ times and even try rotating numbers to get in touch, which alienated the customer, and cost the brand the opportunity to onboard or serve that customer. with, those missed connections stop, and call centers can go back to the business at hand – providing world-class service,” said rebecca greene, cto and co-founder at about, the outbound phone and sms sales solution built to drive more conversations with your customers so you can hit your growth goals way faster, was founded in 2020 in new york city by alex levin and rebecca greene. empowers b2c brands to add a human touch at critical moments in their online experience in order to win over customers and drive more revenue. high-growth brands including angi (formerly angie’s list), career karma, fidelity life, refijet, ro (parent company to roman), sofi and the farmer’s dog use regal to increase sales and improve customer retention. for more information, please contact or visit