Convertible Debentures: Navigating Investment Options

Edited By yashovardhan sharma on Apr 04,2024
Convertible Debentures

Image Source: Wint Wealth

A convertible debenture represents a form of corporate debt displaying attributes of both bonds and stocks. It functions as a bond by providing fixed-interest payments to investors, yet offers the flexibility to convert these bonds into company equity under certain circumstances. Exploring the rationale behind a company's decision to issue convertible debentures over conventional stocks or bonds, we delve into the advantages and drawbacks for investors, along with resources to assist in informed decision-making.


Definition and Instances of Convertible Debentures

Debentures, as a subset of corporate bonds, lack collateral backing. A convertible debenture grants investors the option to swap their bonds for another security, typically common stock or floating stock in the issuing company. The terms "convertible debenture" and "convertible bond" are often used interchangeably. Like traditional bonds, investors receive fixed interest payments or coupons. Upon maturity, investors regain their principal unless they opt to convert their debentures into equity, forfeiting interest payments for an ownership stake. Conversion terms vary; some debentures afford investors discretion on conversion timing, while others impose predetermined conversion schedules or may enforce conversion under specific conditions.


Convertible debenture values fluctuate with the issuing company's stock prices. A conversion ratio determines the stock quantity received per bond alongside a conversion price, representing the stock price at which conversion occurs, which may evolve over time.


Functioning of Convertible Debentures

Corporations typically issue convertible debentures when lacking established credit but possessing perceived growth potential. Issuing convertible debentures accelerates capital acquisition compared to conventional financing methods, benefiting companies with reduced interest rates in exchange for equity conversion possibilities. Furthermore, convertible debentures offer tax advantages over equity issuance, as debt interest payments are tax-deductible. Companies preferring to delay share dilution may opt for convertible debentures, deferring dilution until conversion. Dilution occurs when additional shares are issued, diminishing existing shareholders' ownership percentages and potentially impacting stock value negatively.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Convertible Debentures




Benefits of Convertible Debentures

Image Source: Faster Capital

  • Reliable income source: Convertible debentures offer steady interest payments known as coupons. However, upon conversion to equity, these interest payments cease.
  • Opportunity for discounted stock purchase: Typically, bondholders can convert their bonds into shares at a price lower than the market rate. Yet, this may disadvantage existing shareholders by diluting their ownership stakes as more equity is issued.
  • Lower risk compared to stocks: Even if the company's stock prices decline, holding the security as a debenture enables investors to continue receiving fixed interest payments. Moreover, in bankruptcy proceedings, bondholders have priority over shareholders, enhancing their security in case of default.




Disadvantages of Convertible Debentures

Image Source: Faster Capital


  • Reduced interest earnings: Because convertible debentures include an equity component, the fixed interest payments are typically lower than those of traditional bonds.
  • Default risk: In bankruptcy scenarios, secured creditors hold priority over debenture holders since debentures represent unsecured debt.
  • Often callable: Most corporate debentures are callable bonds, granting the company the option to recall the bonds and enforce conversion into company shares.


Implications for Investors

Investors may find convertible debentures attractive due to their provision of fixed-interest payments. Additionally, they stand to benefit from any upsurge in the company's stock prices, as conversion terms are predetermined. During periods of rising stock prices, investors may capitalize on discounted shares through conversion. Conversely, in declining markets, maintaining the security of a bond may prove more advantageous.


 However, in such cases, traditional bonds might have yielded higher interest earnings. Companies are obligated to disclose financing activities, including convertible debenture issuances, in regulatory filings such as Form 10-Q, 10K, and interim Form 8-K reports, accessible through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) EDGAR database. This disclosure is crucial for investors, as convertible debenture conversions could dilute the value of existing shares.


Some Special Considerations

The conversion ratio determines the number of shares bondholders receive per debenture at the time of issuance. For instance, a company might offer 100 shares of stock for each debenture with a face value of $20,000, resulting in a 20:1 conversion ratio. Convertible debt impacts diluted per-share metrics of the stock, increasing the share count and reducing metrics such as earnings per share (EPS). Investors should note that in bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings, unsecured debenture holders receive payment only after other fixed-income holders.


Varieties of Debentures

In addition to convertible debentures, there exist non-convertible debentures, where the debt remains unconvertible into equity. Consequently, non-convertible debentures tend to offer higher interest rates compared to their convertible counterparts, given that investors lack the option for stock conversion. Partially convertible debentures represent another form of this debt, featuring a predetermined portion eligible for conversion into stock. The conversion ratio is established at the outset of debt issuance. Fully convertible debentures provide the option to convert the entirety of the debt into equity shares as per the terms specified during debt issuance. It's imperative for investors to thoroughly research the debenture type they consider for investment, including the existence and timing of conversion options, the conversion ratio, and the conversion timeframe.

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Real-World Example of a Convertible Debenture

To attract adequate investment for international expansion, a company issues convertible debentures. The conversion is set at a ratio of 10:1 after a three-year period, despite offering a fixed interest rate of 3% to investors lower than typical bond rates convertible debentures grant the right to convert debt into stock.


Scenario 1: Following some years, the international venture proves successful, catapulting the company's stock price from $40 to $120 per share. Convertible debenture holders can convert debt into stock at the 10:1 ratio, enabling investors with one debenture to convert debt into $1,200 worth of stock (10 x $120 per share).


Scenario 2: The international expansion falters. Investors may retain their convertible debentures, continuing to receive fixed interest payments at a 3% rate until debt maturity, when the company refunds its principal. In this illustration, the firm benefits from a low-interest-rate loan through the issuance of convertible debentures. However, if the international expansion succeeds, the conversion of debentures into stock would dilute the company's equity shares, resulting in diluted earnings per share.



A convertible debenture serves as a corporate bond offering fixed interest payments to investors while also providing the option to convert the bond into equity, akin to common stock, under specific circumstances. Investors typically accept lower interest payments relative to traditional bonds in exchange for the conversion privilege. Corporations often opt for convertible debentures to save on interest payments and taxes, while also delaying share dilution.

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