Stagflation What It Is, And How To Invest In It

Author: Shubhankar Sen on Jul 28,2022
stock price investing Stagflation


Inflation and deflation are two of the most frequently discussed terms in economics. When a market experiences inflation, it means that the cost of goods is increasing and their value is decreasing. This results in a decline in demand for those products. On the other hand, when there’s deflation, the supply of goods increases while demand for those products falls. As a result, the prices drop. Stagflation is an economic phenomenon that describes an extended period of stagnation and high rates of inflation at the same time. Due to its rarity, few people have heard about stagflation before. If you’re confused about what stagflation is and how you can invest in it as an asset class, you aren’t alone! Keep reading to discover more about this strange economic phenomenon!


What is Stagflation?

Stagflation is a term used to describe a situation during which an economy experiences low or no growth in addition to an increase in inflation. When this happens, it can be extremely difficult for central banks to fight rising prices since the demand for goods and services is low. One of the biggest causes of stagflation is the rise in oil prices. Natural disasters and political instability can also contribute to stagflation. Stagflation is different from a recession in that a recession is characterized by a decline in the economy, while stagflation is a simultaneous decline in economic growth and an increase in inflation.


How to Recognize Stagflation

Stagflation is a rare but serious condition that can happen when there’s a significant increase in both inflation and unemployment. It’s quintessential that you know the signs of stagflation and catch it before it begins. If you’re able to identify stagflation early, you can protect your assets and take advantage of the situation. 

Here are a couple of signs to keep an eye out for: 

  • A slowdown in the Economy - A healthy economy is growing at a steady pace. If you see a significant slowdown, it could be an early warning sign of stagflation. 
  • Increase in Unemployment - The unemployment rate is one of the best indicators of inflation (though it isn’t the only one). If the unemployment rate rises, that could mean inflation is on the rise as well.


What causes stagflation?

Stagflation can happen for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most common causes: 

  • Bad Macroeconomic Policy - If the government creates a bad macroeconomic policy, it can cause significant harm to the economy. Stagflation can happen if the government introduces too many tariffs, taxes, or restrictions on imports and exports. A significant rise in interest rates can also be harmful to the economy.


When interest rates are too high, it can make it difficult for businesses to acquire debt to grow their company or purchase new equipment. High-interest rates can also reduce the purchasing power of the average person. When the government introduces high inflation, this can cause stagflation. Too much inflation can make it difficult for the average person to afford basic necessities.


  • Bad Monetary Policy - If the Federal Reserve makes bad monetary policy decisions, it can also cause stagflation. Bad monetary policy can cause a significant rise in interest rates, wagering off on inflation. A significant rise in interest rates can also make it difficult for businesses to purchase new equipment. 


At the same time, if interest rates are too low, it can cause problems with inflation. Inflation can cause problems within the economy, especially if the inflation rate is significantly higher than expected. Inflation also makes it more difficult for businesses to make large purchases since the cost of equipment will increase. At the same time, if interest rates are too low, it can also make it more difficult for consumers to afford large purchases, especially large purchases that may be necessary for their jobs.


  • Bad Fiscal Policy - Bad fiscal policy can also cause stagflation by increasing government spending. While government spending can help stimulate the economy during hard times, too much spending can cause harmful inflation.


At the same time, governments that do not cut taxes when the economy improves can cause harmful inflation as well. When governments do not cut taxes or increase spending to match economic growth, a situation of stagflation can result. At the same time, governments that do not cut taxes when the economy improves can cause harmful inflation as well.


As with any economic issue, it’s important to know the root causes of stagflation. There are numerous possible triggers of stagflation, including a decline in productivity, a decline in the workforce participation rate, a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the supply of commodities exceeding demand. Additionally, high levels of government debt and trade wars can also lead to stagflation. When inflation and stagnation occur at the same time, central banks are confronted with a big challenge. When the economy is experiencing high rates of inflation, central banks often respond by increasing interest rates. This is an attempt to promote saving and decrease investment in order to control inflation. However, when the economy is already struggling, raising interest rates can make it even more difficult for companies to access the capital they need to expand and hire new employees. When interest rates are high, investment in stocks and real estate will decrease, and the value of stocks will go down. This is why investors need to be aware of the signs of stagflation and protect their assets by investing in assets that will be protected during this type of economic scenario.


Important Things to Know About Stagflation

  1. Stagflation is not a normal economic phenomenon. It is rare and extreme. - Stagflation can be difficult to get out of, making it even more important to protect your assets. 
  2. When an economy is experiencing stagflation, investors should be cautious about the future of their assets. - Stagflation causes a lot of uncertainty. The economy cannot recover while inflation is out of control and the demand is low. 
  3. Stagflation can result from a number of factors, including a decline in productivity, a decline in the workforce participation rate, a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), high levels of government debt, and a drop in the supply of commodities below demand. 
  4. Some of the best ways to protect your assets during the early stages of stagflation are to diversify your portfolio and rebalance your assets.


How to Protect Your Assets During Stagflation

  1. Diversify your portfolio. As mentioned already, stagflation can result from a number of factors. Therefore, if you diversify your portfolio, you will be protected against a wide range of economic factors. 
  2. Rebalance your assets. When the market is performing well, and you are enjoying the benefits of appreciating assets, it can be tempting to keep your portfolio the same. However, if the economy is experiencing stagflation and your assets are decreasing in value, rebalancing your portfolio by selling assets that are decreasing in value and buying assets that are holding up during the economic storm will protect your assets and keep their value.
  3. Stay informed. The best way to protect your assets during any economic scenario is to stay informed. Whether you are experiencing an economic boom or a bust, you should be aware of what is going on. Get all of your information from credible sources so that you don’t fall prey to false information.


Is Stagflation Good or Bad for Investors?

Stagflation is bad for everyone. However, it can be especially hard on investors. When there is a rise in inflation and a decrease in demand, prices of goods will go up, and they will become more valuable. This means that investors will have less purchasing power. When the economy is experiencing stagflation, it’s important to protect your assets by investing in assets that can withstand inflation. This will allow you to maintain purchasing power and will protect you from losing your assets.


How to invest in Stagflation?

Stagflation is a scary and rare phenomenon. It’s very important to know how to protect your assets during this type of economic scenario. The best way to protect your assets is to diversify your portfolio and rebalance your assets. You should also stay informed about the economy and what triggers stagflation. When the economy is experiencing stagflation, investing in commodities and stocks will become more difficult. Commodities such as metals and oil will increase in price, which will make them more expensive. This will make commodities less valuable as an investment. Stocks are also less valuable during stagflation because people are spending less, which means there is less demand for stocks, and their value drops. It’s best to invest in assets that are less dependent on the economy and less sensitive to inflation: Fixed-income investments like bonds and CDs, gold, real estate, and cash are a few examples.



Stagflation is a rare and extreme economic phenomenon. It is important to protect your assets during this type of scenario by diversifying your portfolio and rebalancing your assets. You should also stay informed about the economy and what causes stagflation. Stagflation can result from a number of factors, including a decline in productivity, a decline in the workforce participation rate, a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), high levels of government debt, and a drop in the supply of commodities below demand. When the economy is experiencing stagflation, it is important to invest in assets that are less sensitive to inflation to protect your assets. Visit for more comprehensive resources to help you with all your investing needs.