Smart Contracts: The Building Blocks Of Trust In Crypto

Edited By yashovardhan sharma on Feb 14,2024
 Virtual digital currency and financial investment trade concept

Smart contracts serve as pivotal components within the cryptocurrency and blockchain realm, enabling the automatic execution of transactions upon the completion of verifiable events, such as payments. These contracts operate discreetly behind the scenes in numerous consumer-facing crypto products, suggesting that they have likely been utilized in various activities beyond mere acquisition and retention of digital assets. Their applications span a wide spectrum, encompassing areas like non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized exchanges, and stablecoins.


Origin of Smart Contracts

Originating from a concept introduced by Nick Szabo in 1994, smart contracts represent computerized transaction protocols designed to enforce contractual terms autonomously. Szabo, a notable American computer scientist credited with conceptualizing the virtual currency "Bit Gold" in 1998predating Bitcoin by a decadeis occasionally speculated to be the enigmatic figure behind Bitcoin's creation, a claim he has refuted. Szabo envisioned smart contracts as a means to extend the functionality of electronic transaction systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) mechanisms, into the digital domain.


The versatility of smart contracts lies in their capacity to facilitate a myriad of functionalities. At its core, these contracts streamline agreements between parties, ensuring the smooth execution of various tasks and even earning passive income. A fundamental application involves guaranteeing transactions between two entities, such as the procurement and delivery of goods. For instance, a manufacturing entity seeking raw materials can establish payment arrangements through smart contracts, while the supplier can initiate shipments. Subsequently, contingent upon the agreed-upon terms, funds may be automatically transferred to the supplier upon shipment or delivery.


What cryptocurrencies have smart contract functionality?


Creative concept of blockchain technology

Smart contracts are a hallmark of second-generation cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, which it notably popularized the concept upon its launch in 2015. Other notable examples encompass Cardano, Solana, and Polkadot. However, earlier blockchain platforms like Bitcoin typically lack support for intricate smart contracts. Beyond facilitating basic transactions, smart contracts find utility across diverse sectors, including real estate transactions, financial markets like stock and commodity trading, lending operations, corporate governance protocols, supply chain management, dispute resolution mechanisms, and healthcare services.


Illustrative Smart Contract Scenario

Given that smart contracts often operate behind the scenes in user interactions, grasping their functionality through an example can be enlightening. Imagine you wish to exchange one cryptocurrency for another, but you're dealing with an unfamiliar party and want assurance that they'll fulfill their end of the bargain. To address this, you and your counterpart could devise a smart contract ensuring mutual satisfaction. Here's how it could unfold:

1. You transfer cryptocurrency to an address linked with the smart contract you've established.
2. The contract's code verifies if the agreed-upon sum has been sent by you.
3. Subsequently, the code confirms if your counterpart has also sent the agreed-upon amount.
4. Upon confirmation of both payments, the contract releases the funds to each party.
5. In case of non-payment by either party within a designated timeframe, all contributed cryptocurrency reverts to the original owner.

Although the presented example is relatively straightforward, decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges such as Uniswap and PancakeSwap execute analogous functions using more intricate smart contracts. In principle, smart contracts possess the capability to automate numerous processes traditionally requiring a trusted intermediary. Developers and entrepreneurs are actively exploring their application across various sectors, spanning logistics, insurance, finance, and gaming.


Constraints of Smart Contracts

One significant constraint facing any smart contract operating on a blockchain is its reliance solely on data stored within that specific blockchain's records. Typically, cryptocurrency blockchains predominantly contain information pertinent to the transactions involving the particular cryptocurrency and associated assets. For instance, consider a scenario where you design a smart contract to disburse digital assets upon completion of a contractor's work on your property. However, the critical question arises: who determines the criteria for "completion"?


In the absence of a reliable method to incorporate mutually verifiable data regarding the progress of the construction, a smart contract would offer limited assistance in resolving disputes concerning project completion to satisfaction. In such cases, the intervention of a third party becomes necessary to validate the release of funds by the computer program. To mitigate this limitation, blockchain developers have introduced the concept of an "oracle," which serves to inject external information into the blockchain system. In the context of the contractor example, suppose the project involves HVAC work. In this scenario, data sourced from a thermostat or sensor could potentially verify the fulfillment of the contract's terms as outlined.


Discovering How to Craft Smart Contracts


Bitcoin and distributed ledger technology concept

For individuals engaged with blockchain networks supporting smart contracts, the opportunity to craft their own contracts exists. However, proficiency in computer coding and a thorough understanding of blockchain technology are prerequisites. Incorrect execution could potentially result in irreversible loss of cryptocurrency, either through unintentional locking or misdirection. For those intrigued by the process of smart contract creation, some blockchain projects offer test networks where experimental transactions can be conducted without involving real funds. Numerous cryptocurrencies provide educational resources, including courses and instructional materials, to aid in this endeavor. A notable starting point is the "Learn by Coding" section on


To gain practical insights into smart contract functionality, blockchain explorers like Etherscan serve as valuable resources, albeit comprehension may require a substantial level of technical proficiency. As knowledge of smart contracts deepens, individuals can enhance their ability to critically assess the technology they engage with.



Smart contracts represent coded instructions integrated into a blockchain, tasked with executing the terms of agreements or contracts originating from external sources. By automating actions that would conventionally require mutual trust between parties, smart contracts streamline processes and eliminate the necessity for reciprocal trust.

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